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  • sdif 5 posts 25 karma points
    Apr 08, 2010 @ 14:00

    Umbraco and intranet applications



    I'm looking for a global solution(CMS) for internal and external applications in our company.I studied umbraco for the last days and i have some questions:

    1. Since umbraco does not work with virtual directory, what can i do with my internal applications (intra-net applications) which are based on virtual directories ?

    2. Umbraco can be hosted on a server where there are no writing permissions ? The end user in my case, cannot create templates, document types or css, he can only modify the page content. I will uplad the images in the database(if i can modify the richeditor). I put this last question in other topic but still no answer.


    Thank you in advance.

  • Laurence Gillian 600 posts 1219 karma points
    Apr 08, 2010 @ 15:29
    Laurence Gillian

    Hey Sdif,

    What are you planning to run Umbraco on?

    1. You should just be able to create a new 'site' in IIS, and then bind this against the address you want for your intranet. Leaving your other applications with virtual directories running in there own separate IIS pool.

    2. Is it that the server you are hosting on has no writing permissions, or is it that you don't want the end user to be able to create templates, doc-types, css, etc. If the later is the case you can just setup a new user group which has this permissions and make your end users members of this group. E.g we would normally just give end users access to the the 'content' and 'media' sections.

    Generally speaking the server needs to have write permissions so Umbraco can create/update the XML file which drives Umbraco (data is read and transformed from this, rather than the database).

    Hope that helps a little, Laurie

  • sdif 5 posts 25 karma points
    Apr 08, 2010 @ 15:46

    Hi Laurie,


    1.For intranet applications i don't have the possibility to create a new site. The applications should run on the same domain but on other virtual directory(e.g. intranet\app1,  intranet\app2 )...

    2. Regarding second question, i don't have writing permissions on the production server. On my local machine, I've made readonly the folder data, and i deleted umbraco.config file.. The application worked well(probably with the configurations directly from DB).


    Thank you for your response.

  • Laurence Gillian 600 posts 1219 karma points
    Apr 08, 2010 @ 16:58
    Laurence Gillian

    I've waited a little to see if anyone else jumps in! But not yet...

    I'm not sure about running the umbraco.config and images from the database, I don't actually know how one would do this so I can't really comment as to how this would work. If you can get it to work then great;

    My advice would be Umbraco has a set of requirements for a hosting environment & I would always stick within these parameters.

    It would be a shame if you hosting environment crippled the functionality and power of Umbraco.  

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