With Blog4Umbraco, you can create a new blog post that is automatically put into date folders and is also neatly archived and displayed in a list by MM/YYYY/DD. Is there a way to have this functionality in umbraco without having to use the blog? I'd like to have something similiar for my news.
I already set up my news section with doctype News Area (alias=newsArea) and News Item (alias=newsItem) and have that working great.
I tried DateFolder, but couldn't get it to work. I'm also trying AutoFolders, but I'm not having much luck there either.
I'm running Umbraco 4.0.3, ISS, Windows XP. If I can get it working on my local machine, I'll then migrate to Windows 2003 server.
I installed it. It asked me what document types I wanted to put in datefolders, clicked ok --- nothing happened. It still showed the page where you select the document types - clicking ok wouldn't take you past that page. So I ignored that and tried to create a new News Item hoping it would work anyway, but no luck.
Finally got AutoFolders to work! :) Now I just need to get an XSLT to make the archive. Hopefully the one in Blog4Umbraco will provide guidance on how to do that. Thanks everyone!
Blog4Umbraco functionality for Non-blog Site?
With Blog4Umbraco, you can create a new blog post that is automatically put into date folders and is also neatly archived and displayed in a list by MM/YYYY/DD. Is there a way to have this functionality in umbraco without having to use the blog? I'd like to have something similiar for my news.
I already set up my news section with doctype News Area (alias=newsArea) and News Item (alias=newsItem) and have that working great.
I tried DateFolder, but couldn't get it to work. I'm also trying AutoFolders, but I'm not having much luck there either.
I'm running Umbraco 4.0.3, ISS, Windows XP. If I can get it working on my local machine, I'll then migrate to Windows 2003 server.
Can someone point me in the right direction?
DateFolder is the way to go! If you'll let us know what problems you were having getting it to work, we can help you out. :)
I installed it. It asked me what document types I wanted to put in datefolders, clicked ok --- nothing happened. It still showed the page where you select the document types - clicking ok wouldn't take you past that page. So I ignored that and tried to create a new News Item hoping it would work anyway, but no luck.
Finally got AutoFolders to work! :) Now I just need to get an XSLT to make the archive. Hopefully the one in Blog4Umbraco will provide guidance on how to do that. Thanks everyone!
Hi Jennifer
This post may help with the archive xslt for autofolders -> http://our.umbraco.org/forum/developers/xslt/8391-List-news-items-by-the-folder-they-are-in
is working on a reply...