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  • Jose Malone 121 posts 58 karma points
    Jan 09, 2009 @ 03:25
    Jose Malone

    Pay for performance Umbraco contractor out there?

    The Long Way Around

    Sorry this is so winded. If you read. I promise there is a job description in here, somewhere....

    I've been a semi-faithful Umbraco user for some time. Not sure what version I started with but it was fairly early. Even donated money to help Niels along his wonderful journey. I've tried to attend Codegarden, twice.

    My problem is I'm a wonderful marketing person that doesn't know his own limits. Well, I've finally realized these limits. Unfortunately for various reasons ended up hiring people skilled at WordPress (I know. But I'm coming clean here) to fulfill these ideas.

    I really want to get on top of Umbraco. I love Umbraco and what it stands for. But I had to be realistic about what I could afford.

    Because the economy being so bad here in the US I've had to cut people in on some of the action to help offset the start up costs. But I realized if I cut people a piece of the action (action meaning Accounts Receivables) I have gotten things to be built better, quicker and supported much better.

    I'm hoping now that 6 months later the talent pool of Umbracoites has expanded so I don't have to use WP. This means you'd not get an upfront fee for your work, but part of the revenue. Now, before you groan and go eeew. I have a pretty good track record; A very good reputation in my field; and we're currently billing out $100K a month. But the damn things are on WP, not Umbraco. Please help me.

    The job

    I have totally branded site templates created in Adobe Illustrator CS3.
    I have dedicated servers hosted at
    I need you to install Umbraco, manage, program, support the site(s).
    You'd create the necessary modifications to Umbraco to display our content, do form processing with real-time interaction between another system (via xml), create custom clickpaths, landing pages, cross-sell offers and membership management to name a few of the requirements.

    I'm not opposed to someone outside of the US being part of this, however, we will be processing personal identifiable information about people. US citizens are easy to track down and hold
    accountable so I'll give preference to them. Just to be clear. I will do a background check on whoever I work with. Sorry, but it's a liability issue, so if you're on the up and up, we're cool.

    Feel free to contact me directly.


    joe customerx com (Fill in the blanks.)

  • pinchio 2 posts 20 karma points
    Jan 30, 2009 @ 19:06

    Have you found the right candidate?

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