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  • Mike 56 posts 88 karma points
    May 17, 2011 @ 23:20

    Tinymce (richtexteditior) not displaying in Umbraco admin

    Under the content section, if I view a node with a defined richtexteditor field, the rich text editor is simply not displaying. In fact, the rich text editor toolbar is not visible at all (just save, save and publish and preview).

    However, when I remote into the web server and view the site locally, it displays fine.

    I am working with a fresh installation of Umbraco 4.7. I installed this on the Win 2008 R2 server via the platform installer. I believe my app pool has full control persmissions -- I manually added full control to each of the main subfolders, though I though the platform installer was supposed to do this already.

    Any suggestions? I have tried viewing the site remotely under different OSs and browsers all with the same result.


  • Evgeniy 18 posts 40 karma points
    May 18, 2011 @ 05:47

    Hi Mike.

    Try to view your site with Firefox+Firebug. When loading the node with richtext firebug should show you error. Please paste error text here.

  • Mike 56 posts 88 karma points
    May 18, 2011 @ 06:03

    Hello and thanks for responding.

    There are actually no JavaScript errors shown. I checked the native error console and IE as well. Here's a screenshot (note no field next to Content):

  • Jan Skovgaard 11280 posts 23678 karma points MVP 11x admin c-trib
    May 18, 2011 @ 06:59
    Jan Skovgaard

    Hi Mike

    Are you sure all files exist?

    If you go to the umbraco_client folder -> tinymce3 -> plugins

    Does the media folder exist in here?

    If so...are there other folders that does not exist?

    I had this issue on an older version of Umbraco recently where I discovered that for some reason the media folder did not exists on the server.


  • Mike 56 posts 88 karma points
    May 18, 2011 @ 16:37

    Hello, thanks for responding.

    Yes, that folder exsists. When comparing to another working 4.6 install, it looks like the files are there. I'm thinking it may be more of a permissions issue or something given the screenshots below, though as I mentioned, the app pool has full control permissions on the site root.

    View of the site working from within the network:

    View of the same site not working on IE on an external IP:


    I'm not sure what else it could be. Could there be an issue with the web.config? I'd also be happy to provide someone with an Umbraco login to check it out given there's no content.

  • Evgeniy 18 posts 40 karma points
    May 18, 2011 @ 17:46

    Mike, it looks like problem with paths/links to tinyMCE folder.

    Also i notice that when your login remotly your url is: <%IP%>/umbraco/#content  , but should be <%IP%>/umbraco/umbraco.aspx#content

    So i think file paths to tinymce button icons is wrong, and firefox simply not showing broken images, but i dont know why it is...


  • Mike 56 posts 88 karma points
    May 18, 2011 @ 17:51

    Yeah I tried with umbraco.aspx in there and the same issue occured.

    I'm really out of ideas at this point. I installed an older 4.5 version and still had the same issue.

  • laurent 4 posts 25 karma points
    May 18, 2011 @ 20:27

    Hello all,


    Having the same issue. do not hesitate to share what you have found.

  • Mike 56 posts 88 karma points
    May 18, 2011 @ 21:02

    Using Fiddler is pointing me in the right direction.

    GET 502 Fiddler - Connection Failed (text/html)

    The remote IP shouldn't be using that port, that was for the internal IP only. I guess the question is where in the Umbraco configuration can I change this?

  • laurent 4 posts 25 karma points
    May 18, 2011 @ 22:17

    Hello mike ... just some updates.

    within your lead I realise that I have the same 502 error on fiddler

    My server is behind a ForeFront. Also I have a rule to redirect the http 80 traffic to the port I use internaly (8087)

    So I had the idea to add another rulle to redirect http 8087 to my internal 8087. 

    it actualy make it worse.

    the page has load with some JS error and then not more 502 but I have a 500

    500 HTTP /umbraco/DependencyHandler.axds=L3VtYnJhY29...

    I had actualy replace my HTTP 80 web listener. so I create a new HTTP 8087 weblister that listen to the 8087 as it's name sugest.

    and I have now a 403 error.

    I'll be back after having change the rigths on the folder

    hope that can trigger some ideas ....

  • laurent 4 posts 25 karma points
    May 18, 2011 @ 23:26

    hello Again ! I'm so happy.

    So it was all about forefront TMG.

    it wasn't working on the first place because I've created my own web listener. on the athentication tab, advanced button I wasn't able to modify the domain name. (explain the 402)

    So here is the trick you have to copy the http 80 web listener then from the copy change the port.

    and then you second rule will work flawlessly.

    hope it helps :)

  • Evgeniy 18 posts 40 karma points
    May 19, 2011 @ 04:24
     I guess the question is where in the Umbraco configuration can I change this?

    It`s not umbraco config, its problem with bindings in IIS. Open Run->inetmgr and then right click on your web site and find "edit bindings". By default it must be

    ip - all unassigned

    port - 80

    hostname - empty

    for http protocol. If you want to use other port locally add them for only localhost ip address.

  • Mike 56 posts 88 karma points
    May 20, 2011 @ 18:10

    Given the nature of the environment, we have several sites running across multiple ports. Some of those sites are internal, some internal and external to the dmz. The external ones have a passthrough IP on port 80 that serves up a specific local server and port.

    My guess is something within tinymce3tinymceCompress.aspx.cs is pulling that local port incorrectly.

  • Evgeniy 18 posts 40 karma points
    May 22, 2011 @ 05:36

    I only can recommend you to use different ip`s instead of ports.

  • Mike 56 posts 88 karma points
    Jun 07, 2011 @ 17:45

    For anyone who may stumble across this, I had success in circumventing these issues by hard-coding the domain name for Umbraco/TinyMCE. Edit umbraco/editContent.aspx and add the following line before the </script> at the bottom:

    document.domain = 'xxxxxxxxx';

    Take note that you are editing an Umbraco core file however. Perhaps someone could come up with a better solution that doesn't involve editing a core file.

  • Max 144 posts 166 karma points
    Oct 17, 2011 @ 13:05

    is there any solution for this i am having the same problems


  • Rik Helsen 670 posts 873 karma points
    Oct 20, 2011 @ 15:56
    Rik Helsen

    I tried Mike's fix by editing the editcontent.aspx javascript, but this doesn't change anything for me...


  • Natalia Langa 12 posts 31 karma points
    Mar 22, 2012 @ 14:53
    Natalia Langa


    I've got the same problem - richtexteditor doesn't appear. And the Firebug tells:

    "SCRIPT445: Object doesn't support this action 
    tinymce3tinymceCompress.aspx?rnd=f946efa8-e303-4309-b4aa-f998e03d7aa5&module=gzipmodule&themes=umbraco,simple&plugins=contextmenu,umbracoimg,paste,inlinepopups,table,spellchecker,advlink,media,noneditable,umbracocss,umbracomacro&languages=en, line 10593 character 5"
    I don't know why... Can anyone help?
    It's the line with "t.theme = new o();":
    init : function() {
    var n, t = this, s = t.settings, w, h, e = t.getElement(), o, ti, u, bi, bc, re, i;
    s.aria_label = s.aria_label || DOM.getAttrib(e, 'aria-label', t.getLang('aria.rich_text_area'));
    if (s.theme) {
    s.theme = s.theme.replace(/-/, '');
    o = ThemeManager.get(s.theme);
    t.theme = new o();
    if (t.theme.init && s.init_theme)
    t.theme.init(t, ThemeManager.urls[s.theme] || tinymce.documentBaseURL.replace(/\/$/, '')); }
  • Nigel Wilson 945 posts 2077 karma points
    Mar 31, 2012 @ 20:20
    Nigel Wilson


    I have just had some problems with my website whereby the RTE wasn't appearing.

    Not sure how / why (and I am waiting on an answer from my web host) but all the permissions on my site were changed to basically "no access"

    I have re-applied "Read and Execute" on umbraco-client folder and the RTE is now appearing again.

    As an aside - in addition to the above permissions changes my ftp user account no longer exists and currently I cannot create a new ftp user via my control panel. Gut feeling is that someone has hacked the web host servers - ahh the joys aye !


  • Natalia Langa 12 posts 31 karma points
    Aug 07, 2012 @ 15:00
    Natalia Langa

    OK, in my case it was all about missing tinymce translations. When I added it to path umbraco_client/tinymce3, RTE was back.

    Hope this helps,


  • Luis Goncalves 3 posts 23 karma points
    Aug 16, 2012 @ 17:04
    Luis Goncalves



    I'm having this issue and I'm struggling to have it fixed.
    However I've a "different" situation: I've the same files with the same database but with 2 IIS entries to the same website (change of domain). So, I've one website with 2 domains. One of them show the RTE but the other one doesn't.
    I looked the file system to check any hardcoded domain and nothing. Could be something on the database?

    Anyone had this same problem?

    By the way, this is a Umbraco v5.2 website.

    Luis Goncalves

  • Fredrik Liljemark 52 posts 74 karma points
    Aug 22, 2012 @ 08:21
    Fredrik Liljemark

    Same problem at a 4.8.0

  • Anders Holmér 20 posts 41 karma points
    Sep 05, 2012 @ 20:30
    Anders Holmér

    I have the same problem in 4.8.0, but if a use English (uk) as admin language it all works perfect, when I change to Swedush or any other language, it's disapeare.

  • Fredrik Liljemark 52 posts 74 karma points
    Sep 05, 2012 @ 21:11
    Fredrik Liljemark

    Yes Anders.

    I figured out that it was the same problem for me.
    So the MCE is English only as of now.

  • Chriztian Steinmeier 2800 posts 8791 karma points MVP 8x admin c-trib
    Sep 25, 2012 @ 13:24
    Chriztian Steinmeier

    This is REALLY silly - hopefully there's already an issue on the tracker (

    Just had the same problem in 4.9.0 - Danish users (which would be all of my clients) not seeing the most important fields of the Backoffice :-)

    Update: Seems like it should be definitely fixed in 4.10.0


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