I have seen the following bugs which are already mentioned.
- Error parsing XSLT Error parsing XSLT file: \xslt\forum-commentsList.xslt This error occurs when a user try to edit a new post when there are no replies against that.
- Typo error "more then a year ago" instead of "more than a year ago" for older posts.
Where to file our.umbraco.org site bugs?
Could anyone please let me know the location to file our.umbraco.org site related bugs?
I have seen the following bugs which are already mentioned.
- Error parsing XSLT Error parsing XSLT file: \xslt\forum-commentsList.xslt
This error occurs when a user try to edit a new post when there are no replies against that.
- Typo error "more then a year ago" instead of "more than a year ago" for older posts.
Clicking the Forum Menu occassionaly give this error.
Error parsing XSLT file: \xslt\forum-overview.xslt
is working on a reply...