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  • gary 385 posts 916 karma points
    Jan 18, 2013 @ 12:54

    Losing Everything In Session v4.11.1 and v6


    Wanted to make everyone aware of this, but really don't have enough to qualify it.

    Have now had 2 separate instances one in 4.11 and now in v6, of losing all of my work in a current session - that totals about 6 hours!

    Both occurred after machine had been left in standby and rebooted (not sure if relevant, but feel worth mentioning)

    Using Safari (Windows) browser for input, created docTypes, Content, Templates.

    Umbraco logged out, when logging back in - all added/created content in session had disappeared. Without trace.

    As I say this is for reference, but cannot give any more indication, other than it has happened twice, so feel the need to share it before someone loses a lot more than I have.

    Going to swap back to Chrome for now, but it's one of those that you don't find out until it's too late.

    If anyone can point to a reason, it would be appreciated.



  • Lee Kelleher 4020 posts 15802 karma points MVP 13x admin c-trib
    Jan 18, 2013 @ 13:03
    Lee Kelleher

    Hi Gary,

    It's very unusual for all the doc-types, content and templates to disappear.  Unless you didn't save them (in the browser), then they should exist within the database.

    Do you have any details about the set-up of the Umbraco installation? Which type of database, etc. (Did you install this, or another developer?)

    Thanks, Lee.

  • gary 385 posts 916 karma points
    Jan 18, 2013 @ 14:12

    Hi Lee

    Thanks for reply

    Have just realised that on both occassions I was using docTypes that had been copied, ie export as .udt. However, if I actually hit the "save" button, cannot be sure, but, added content saved and published etc and no errors thrown. Everything created in Visual Studio remains, all created in Umbraco has been lost, including content update on a previously created (not copied) docType. So it appears its something to do with the "new" session after comig out of hibernate?

    The Install - code from Codeplex, opened with WebMatrix, Complete the Umbraco Install with SQL CE4 Compact, then open via WebMatrix into Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate.( Im sure there are better ways, but this works for me!) Have just upgraded to VS2012 and can't seem to get at the database to see if anything still exists there, but will try to find out.

    Hmm, will re-import docType, add content, exit, and see if is still there on restart.

    If you can add anything in the meantime, will be appreciated.


  • gary 385 posts 916 karma points
    Jan 18, 2013 @ 14:42

    Ok, that all worked - re-imported, added content, save+publish, exit from Umbraco, re-open, all saved. (with Chrome) 

    Also copied and moved the imported docType to under the master document (oh, it was so easy in V5) just to see if that was a cause, but all ok.

    So it does seem that it comes back to the coming out of hibernate, willing to accept that it could be something on my machine, but will try again with the hibernate  later - right now I need to replace the content I lost.

    Just for clarification - my reason for this post is to try to understand what happened so that it can be rectified, either by myself and my way of doing things, or to find out if it is something that needs further attention. Umbraco is so exciting right now, couldn't wait to play with V6, and all that MVC goodness, just wish I had a lot more knowledge to be able to contribute more to what is a fantastic journey.

    Regards from a very happy Umbraco user.

  • Ron Deijkers 2 posts 22 karma points
    Feb 27, 2013 @ 23:04
    Ron Deijkers

    I had the same thing. I am also using WebMatrix and use Umbraco v4. 

    It happened to me once (just happened). What I did was, I closed WebMatrix before I logged out or closed the webbrowser.

    I use Google Chrome to edit everything. 

    All doc types, templates, content, structure is all lost (and yes, I saved and published many times)! Luckily I have my templates saved in a separate folder but I have to create everything else again. Hours of work just lost! It seems as if WebMatrix or Umbraco put a snapshot of the database back of several hours back. Everything that was saved in the database is lost. 

    When I stopped WebMatrix I noticed that Umbraco showed a "Locked" window in which I had to enter my password and then I could click on a button "Renew".

    Might be an Umbraco problem or might be a WebMatrix problem. I suspect the latter some how. It is very odd. I have never seen a CMS spontaneously going back in time for a few hours...


  • Tony 13 posts 43 karma points
    Apr 19, 2013 @ 11:14

    I'm having this same problem and it's driving me MAD!

    My setup is...

    Mac book pro running Windows 8 via Bootcamp
    Web matrix 2
    Umbraco 4.11.6 / 6.03
    SQL CE 4

    Packages installed...
    Gecko uploadify and Digibiz Advanced Media Picker

    Starting with a fresh install V6.03 via webmatrix I started creating the site, all went well until the end of the day when I had to shutdown. Getting back to work that evening, all the days work was gone. Did this 3 times until I started again last night in V4.11.6. This morning booted up, started the site it was working!! refreshed the browser.... GONE AGAIN. Logged into umbraco and the work is all gone again.

    I've now recreated the same site 4 times!! 3 times in V6.03 and the last in V4.11.6

    I've tried doing changes in different browsers but the same always happens. I've now lost a day and a half of work hours on this :(

    Just wondering if anyone has found a solution to this??


  • Ron Deijkers 2 posts 22 karma points
    Apr 19, 2013 @ 22:56
    Ron Deijkers

    Yes indeed. I have found the solution. Don't use Webmatrix!

    I have been using it without Matrix now for a while and had no such problems anymore. 


  • gary 385 posts 916 karma points
    Apr 20, 2013 @ 00:31

    Hi All

    Had forgotten all about this, seems so long ago.

    I will say that what Tony is experiencing was exactly as it happened to me.

    I still use WebMatrix . I think it stopped when I reset permissions. There seemed to be 2 main factors, firstly the upgrade of WebMatrix to V2, bringing with it an upgrade to IIS, but also the change to MVC4. I had so many issues at the time, some Umbraco and some to do with this update.

    As I remember, i added IIS_USERS to folders, but in the end put the permission on the top folder in the site and it then put permissions automatically on every folder. This I believe was the "cure" as I have not encountered any problems since,

    Will just add for the record that I don't actally use WebMatrix for anything other than opening the site, then hitting the open Visual Studio button. So in effect I just use it to set up IIS and VS. I know there are other ways but this one works for me so I have stuck with it. Having never actually managed  to get Umbraco working in VS any other way, and wanting to spend my time making something rather than making something work, i guess is the reason I have stayed with this route.

    If I can be of more help Tony give me a shout, will dig out exactly what I did if there isn't enough for you to work with.

    Best regards


  • Tony 13 posts 43 karma points
    Apr 22, 2013 @ 11:05

    Thanks for the replies guys.
    I was just trying to figure out what was causing the problem, I had recently upgrading my machine to windows 8 (out of my control) from vista ultimate. I was concerned that there would be issues in using webmatrix etc on this platform as everything was running fine before.

    Ron, I use webmatrix just to get the bare bones of the site built on my laptop locally and quickly, means I can work offline on it before uploading to our dev server, which is when the client gets involved. I've never had a problem with it before which made me think if there was a problem with the latest update.

    The last site that I built was in Umbraco 4.7 and had no problems like I'm having now. I've gone back to Umbraco 4.8.1 and this seems to be working absolutly fine (I just had to check the work I did on Friday :)

    Gary, I tried the IIS_USERS fix on both the 4.11.6 and 6.03 versions but nothing changed. It's strange as the initial setup of the site has saved, master template, hompepage and even the initial site structure, It was just when I started fleshing out the dynamic features and content pages of the site that things stopped saving. Which made me think if it had something to do with Digibiz Advanced Media Picker. but I tried a build without this installed and the same thing happened.

    I've lost too much time on this job now and must get it finished, I guess upgrading and using new versions of everything is making it difficult to see exactly what the problem is.

    Thanks for your time in reponding, I guess this is ongoing, but it will make me a bit dubious in using version 4.11 or even 6 at the moment, I need to do a bit more testing when I have the time.



  • gary 385 posts 916 karma points
    Apr 22, 2013 @ 11:59

    Hi Tony

    Sorry to hear your problems remain, this is definitely a WebMatrix / IIS / integration with Umbraco issue.

    I know it is of no value to say that my issues have disappeared, but I will go back through everything I did to see if I cannot find that "one" setting that changed it. I was in the same position having upgraded a cuople of things at the same time, so yes, it is difficult to pin-point where the issue lies. I too use DAMP, but have not had any issues in this area.

    One more question Tony, do you create views, partials etc in WebMatrix, or do you create docType, with matching template in Umbraco? This can cause a lot of issues, as I found to my cost, I now only create the first template in Umbraco, then work on it in VS (WebMatrix, ie outside of the Umbraco area). It appears that although everything exists on the surface, when created "outside" of the Umbraco area, it is not "deep" saved (best way to describe it), so only appears on the surface and when you try to loop dynamically, it will say that it is null, or something similar, which would indicate that it is not saved to the database, so when you exit, will no longer exist anywhere.

    Will look again and post when I get the chance.



  • Tony 13 posts 43 karma points
    Apr 22, 2013 @ 12:17

    Hi Gary,

    Everything is done in Umbraco. I just use Webmatrix to get the site running on localhost quickly.
    Once up and running I just create the site and use Umbraco like our clients would use it.

    I'm wondering if it's something with using SQL CE 4? The site I'm doing doesn't require full on SQL, so thought using this (like on many other sites we've done) would be ok, wonder if there's and issue there with Umbraco 6?


  • gary 385 posts 916 karma points
    Apr 22, 2013 @ 12:30

    Hi Tony

    I use SQL CE4 too, like you say - easy, again no problem.

    Im trying to find a way to explain in simple terms what I think is happening - like you start the session, you hit the save button, and it says saved, but really this is only in a temp file, the session runs in the temp file and when you close, the temp file is delected, hence not saved, saved.

    The session ends at the last "save", which is where you started.

    Will keep thinking and see if it becomes a little clearer.


  • Tony 13 posts 43 karma points
    Apr 22, 2013 @ 13:15

    Hi Gary,

    That's exactly what seems to be happening and would explain everything. Mmmm. I'm wondering if this would be a browser issue with working locally?


  • gary 385 posts 916 karma points
    Apr 22, 2013 @ 13:27


    Can pretty much confirm that it isn't, happened to me in both Chrome and Safari, on Windows, although they are both web-kit, I think it does negate that.

    We need someone, like say Jan or Anthony who can understand the "blocks" of what is happening, like what is writing to what and how it is stored, chached, saved, that kind of thing.

    Will stick my neck on the block and say that, on close, the combination of WebMatrix and IIS is not writing, saving to the folder. Maybe a way of looking into this is to create something, but when it runs, re-save the site as a back-up, like hard-save, copy the folder and paste into another. Then open with WebMatrix as another site and see if all is as it should be. Or, sorry can't remember, is there a save all button in WebMatrix? if so this may force the save, but then again it may also force the disappearing act.

    Think if you try the back-up first, then the WebMatrix save if may provide a narrower field in which to investigate the issue.

    Just trying to take a logical approach, wish I was expert enought to say, do that, but like with many of these issues they involve technology that we use, but don't necessarily know, or need to know, all the workings of.

    Hope it can help


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