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  • Greg Berlin 818 posts 634 karma points
    Mar 12, 2013 @ 01:00
    Greg Berlin

    Publish At woes in 6.0.2.

    I've read a few forum posts with similar issues but none seem to match mine exactly.

    This site is a fairly simple site, originally built on 4.11.3, then upgraded to 6.0.2.  Client was having issues with publishing previously, however it was different.  

    The publishing issue now is as follows:

    I create a new node.  Add a Publish At date and time.  When i try to "Save and Publish" i see the following error in a bubble:

    "Publishing was cancelled by a third party add-in".  This is the error in the log:

    2013-03-11 17:55:52,733 [40] INFO  Umbraco.Core.Publishing.PublishingStrategy - [Thread 9] Content 'Publish Test' with Id '1268' is awaiting release and could not be published.
    I guess that sounds okay, but the bubble is misleading.

    I click "Save" and it saves okay.

     When the time arrives, the following error is logged:

    2013-03-11 17:57:31,281 [40] INFO  Umbraco.Core.Publishing.PublishingStrategy - [Thread 9] Content 'Publish Test' with Id '1268' has been published.
    2013-03-11 17:57:32,061 [40] ERROR umbraco.presentation.publishingService - [Thread 9] Error publishing node 1268
    System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
    Parameter name: attribute
       at System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute.op_Explicit(XAttribute attribute)
       at UmbracoExamine.UmbracoContentIndexer.ReIndexNode(XElement node, String type)
       at Examine.ExamineManager._ReIndexNode(XElement node, String type, IEnumerable`1 providers)
       at umbraco.content.DocumentCacheEventHandler.Invoke(Document sender, DocumentCacheEventArgs e)
       at umbraco.content.UpdateDocumentCache(Document d)
       at umbraco.library.UpdateDocumentCache(Document doc)
       at umbraco.presentation.publishingService.CheckPublishing(Object sender)
    The result is that in Umbraco the node appears published, however in the properties tab there is no URL, instead it says:
     Oops: this document is published but is not in the cache (internal error)
    and a minute later, this appears in the log:
    2013-03-11 17:58:44,884 [40] WARN  Umbraco.Web.Routing.NiceUrlProvider - [Thread 31] Couldn't find any page with nodeId=1268. This is most likely caused by the page not being published.
    Strange.  Any ideas why this is happening?  I will do some testing on a fresh 6.0.2 install and see if i get the same thing, will report back soon.

  • Greg Berlin 818 posts 634 karma points
    Mar 12, 2013 @ 01:03
    Greg Berlin

    Oh, here's some steps i've tried to resolve this:

    1. Republished the entire site
    2. Run the Path Fix utility (Fixed a bunch of paths but still no change)
    3. Publish page, unpublish, then set date and save - still throws error and doesn't publish
  • Greg Berlin 818 posts 634 karma points
    Mar 12, 2013 @ 01:35
    Greg Berlin

    Hmmmm... okay, so i installed a fresh instance of Umbaco 6.0.2.  With the Business Starter Site.

    Created a new node and set it to publish a few minutes in the future... and.... same issue:

    2013-03-11 18:33:40,209 [6] INFO  Umbraco.Core.Publishing.PublishingStrategy - [Thread 14] Content 'Test Publish Page' with Id '1075' has been published.
    2013-03-11 18:33:40,615 [6] ERROR umbraco.presentation.publishingService - [Thread 14] Error publishing node 1075
    System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
    Parameter name: attribute
       at System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute.opExplicit(XAttribute attribute)
       at UmbracoExamine.UmbracoContentIndexer.ReIndexNode(XElement node, String type)
       at Examine.ExamineManager.ReIndexNode(XElement node, String type, IEnumerable`1 providers)
       at UmbracoExamine.UmbracoEventManager.content_AfterUpdateDocumentCache(Document sender, DocumentCacheEventArgs e)
       at umbraco.content.DocumentCacheEventHandler.Invoke(Document sender, DocumentCacheEventArgs e)
       at umbraco.content.FireAfterUpdateDocumentCache(Document sender, DocumentCacheEventArgs e)
       at umbraco.content.UpdateDocumentCache(Document d)
       at umbraco.library.UpdateDocumentCache(Document doc)
       at umbraco.presentation.publishingService.CheckPublishing(Object sender)

    So it seems this is either an environment issue, or a 6.0.2 issue.  Anybody else experiencing this?


  • Greg Berlin 818 posts 634 karma points
    Mar 12, 2013 @ 01:35
    Greg Berlin

    Oops double post.. ignore this one

  • gary 385 posts 916 karma points
    Mar 13, 2013 @ 00:56

    Hi Greg

    I have posted a bug on something that you may wish to consider. When you save and publish in V6+ the last published date is one "save" behind. 

    To check it, look at the date while you hit save and publish, it will most likely be a date in the past, hit again it shows current. The "odd" part is that content gets updated, but properties such as UpdateDate remain one save behind the "current" save. This would seem to explain the issue you were having, ie some parts are published but others aren't, or appear published while others aren't.

    The issue is here

    Hope it helps rather than confuses


  • Greg Berlin 818 posts 634 karma points
    Mar 14, 2013 @ 00:08
    Greg Berlin

    hey Gary,

    Thanks, but i think that is a different issue.  With this issue, the page doesn't actually get published to the web (it's not updating the umbraco.config file), even though the status is being changed within Umbaco.

    I've verfied this is an issue on my local machine using client website v6.0.2 (upgraded from 4.10.3); on local machine using fresh 6.0.2 install with website starter package; and on a server (client website).  Behavoiur is the same across all 3 of these environments.  

    Looks like a bug in Umbraco to me.. can anybody else confirm or deny this?

  • gary 385 posts 916 karma points
    Mar 14, 2013 @ 00:47

    Hi Greg

    It is a bug that is affecting many areas, but all centered around save and publish. There are 4 or 5 reported issues on the issues forum and equally as many on here.

    Some properties are not being updated until the AfterSave is triggered, so need another save for "all" properties to be updated.

    Bo Mortensen had a similar issue tonight and posted a work around here

    Hope it helps G


  • Jeff Smith 4 posts 24 karma points
    Mar 14, 2013 @ 23:25
    Jeff Smith


    I am a new Umbraco user and just doing some proof of concept work while evaluating CMS software.

    I am running 6.0.2 and seeing exactly the same behavior as Greg, basically "Publish At" functionality doesn't work. I'd post what happens on my system, but it's exactly the same as Greg described in his first post.

  • Tom 713 posts 954 karma points
    Mar 19, 2013 @ 07:39

    Hi All,

    post fixing the scheduled publish bug we were having in 6.0.0 in 6.0.2 we've found a futher issue with scheduled publishing not actually updating the umbraco cache (aka umbraco.config).

    This is because on line 41 of umbraco.presentation.publishingService when you call library.UpdateDocumentCache(d)  the document object d has a Published property of false making the method skip it (see if statement on line 354 of method PublishNodeDo in umbraco.content class).

    This in effect means the "Publish at" function in 6.0.2 does not work at all (as far as we can tell).

    At a guess a simple fix would be to set the Published property to True in the publishingService.

    Further investigation shows the UpdateDocumentCache is now being called using the method on line 236 of library.cs bypassing the database.

    Let me know if you need further info.


  • Morten Christensen 596 posts 2773 karma points admin hq c-trib
    Mar 21, 2013 @ 17:37
    Morten Christensen

    I have updated this issue with a link to the nightly build which fixes the issue as reported by Oliver 

    Hope this fixes the issue in question.

    - Morten

  • Jon Benedict 4 posts 25 karma points
    Feb 04, 2015 @ 20:59
    Jon Benedict

    I am experiencing this same/similar issue. However, I am using Umbraco v. 6.2.2. The scheduled publish does not publish/unpublish the pages when scheduled. What changes do I need to implement to resolve this issue? My client was very excited about this feature and is disappointed it is not working as intended. Thanks in advance for all of the help!


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