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  • Mark Olbert 87 posts 117 karma points
    Oct 21, 2009 @ 17:40
    Mark Olbert

    Compiling Errors

    I'd like to recompile umbraco to fix a small problem I found in the UmbracoMembershipProvider. However, when I try to compile the files I downloaded from codeplex for I get 18 errors:

    Error    59    The type 'System.Web.UI.ExtenderControl' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced. You must add a reference to assembly 'System.Web.Extensions, Version=1.0.61025.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35'.    D:\Programming\Umbraco\components\umbraco.controls\dateTimePicker.cs    52    13    umbraco.controls
    Error    61    'AjaxControlToolkit.CalendarExtender' does not contain a definition for 'TargetControlID' and no extension method 'TargetControlID' accepting a first argument of type 'AjaxControlToolkit.CalendarExtender' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)    D:\Programming\Umbraco\components\umbraco.controls\dateTimePicker.cs    53    17    umbraco.controls
    Error    62    The best overloaded method match for 'System.Web.UI.ControlCollection.Add(System.Web.UI.Control)' has some invalid arguments    D:\Programming\Umbraco\components\umbraco.controls\dateTimePicker.cs    55    13    umbraco.controls
    Error    63    Argument '1': cannot convert from 'AjaxControlToolkit.CalendarExtender' to 'System.Web.UI.Control'    D:\Programming\Umbraco\components\umbraco.controls\dateTimePicker.cs    55    31    umbraco.controls
    Error    68    Metadata file 'D:\Programming\Umbraco\umbraco\presentation\bin\controls.dll' could not be found    umbraco.cms
    Error    69    Metadata file 'D:\Programming\Umbraco\umbraco\cms\bin\Release\cms.dll' could not be found    umbraco.macroRenderings
    Error    70    Metadata file 'D:\Programming\Umbraco\umbraco\cms\bin\Release\cms.dll' could not be found    umbraco.providers
    Error    71    Metadata file 'D:\Programming\Umbraco\umbraco\presentation\bin\umbraco.macroRenderings.dll' could not be found    umbraco.presentation
    Error    72    Metadata file 'D:\Programming\Umbraco\umbraco\presentation\bin\controls.dll' could not be found    umbraco.presentation
    Error    73    Metadata file 'D:\Programming\Umbraco\umbraco\providers\bin\Release\umbraco.providers.dll' could not be found    umbraco.presentation
    Error    74    Metadata file 'D:\Programming\Umbraco\umbraco\cms\bin\Release\cms.dll' could not be found    umbraco.presentation
    Error    75    Metadata file 'D:\Programming\Umbraco\umbraco\presentation\bin\umbraco.dll' could not be found    umbraco.webservices
    Error    76    Metadata file 'D:\Programming\Umbraco\umbraco\cms\bin\Release\cms.dll' could not be found    umbraco.webservices
    Error    77    Metadata file 'D:\Programming\Umbraco\umbraco\presentation\bin\umbraco.dll' could not be found    umbraco.standardFormhandlers
    Error    78    Metadata file 'D:\Programming\Umbraco\umbraco\cms\bin\Release\cms.dll' could not be found    umbraco.standardFormhandlers
    Error    79    Metadata file 'D:\Programming\Umbraco\umbraco\presentation\bin\controls.dll' could not be found    umbraco.editorControls
    Error    80    Metadata file 'D:\Programming\Umbraco\umbraco\presentation\bin\umbraco.dll' could not be found    umbraco.editorControls
    Error    81    Metadata file 'D:\Programming\Umbraco\umbraco\cms\bin\Release\cms.dll' could not be found    umbraco.editorControls

    Is there a different source for files that can be compiled? What am I missing?

    I'm trying to compile on VS2008 SP1 under Windows 7, which has ASPNET 3.5 installed.

    - Mark

  • Mark Olbert 87 posts 117 karma points
    Oct 21, 2009 @ 19:02
    Mark Olbert

    Some further info...

    Many of the errors have to do with an incompatibility between v3.5 of the System.Web.Extensions assembly and the version that the Umbraco build is based on. I was able to resolve those problems by changing the target framework version to 3.5 in all of the project files, and then deleting/adding references to the affected assemblies.

    This may have munged things up badly, but I can't be sure of that yet because there's still one remaining bug which is preventing the solution from building:

    Error    46    Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Retrieve the LoaderExceptions property for more information.    D:\Programming\Umbraco\umbraco\presentation\SGEN    umbraco.presentation

    This occurs when building umbraco.presentation. Googling the error shows it can be caused by a number of things, and sometimes is generated when the "real" error is something else.

    Has anyone run into this? Is there a workaround? I'd kinda like to get my UmbracoMembershipProvider updated so it can retrieve encrypted passwords... :)

    - Mark

  • Mark Olbert 87 posts 117 karma points
    Oct 21, 2009 @ 20:36
    Mark Olbert

    Okay, if anyone is interested, here's how to get Umbraco to compile on a machine running ASPNET 3.5:

    1) Change the Target Framework property on all the projects to 3.5.

    2) For all projects that include a reference to System.Web.Extensions, change the value of "Specific Version" from True to False. You can find this parameter by clicking on the System.Web.Extensions entry under references, and then examining the Properties panel.

    3) Right-click on the umbraco.presentation project, select Properties, select the Build tab and set "Generate serialization assembly" (down near the bottom of the panel) to Off.

    FYI, that last item took two hours of online research to discover. Thanx to daxmax for documenting his solution (!

    I've rebuilt, redeployed it to my development site, restarted the site in IIS, and, so far, it hasn't blown up :).

    - Mark

    p.s. Since I don't think I can mark my own post as an answer, it'd be nice if someone else did that for me :)

  • jefferycxl 35 posts 83 karma points
    Dec 04, 2009 @ 08:35

    Your post saved my day. Thank you very much!

  • Boby 20 posts 42 karma points
    Apr 22, 2010 @ 22:14

    This was of much help to me as well. Thanks Mike.

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