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  • Christian Liebe-Harkort 56 posts 104 karma points
    Mar 19, 2010 @ 13:14
    Christian Liebe-Harkort

    Error in umbracoLog: d:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work......


    just had a look  at the umbracoLog table (actually checking why the contactform is not sending mails, but this antother topic).

    And there are literally hundreds of records with this error:

    Error adding stylesheet to tinymce (id: 1049). System.ArgumentException: No node exists with id '1049'     at umbraco.cms.businesslogic.CMSNode.setupNode() in d:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\7380c184e9fcd3ea\umbraco\cms\businesslogic\CMSNode.cs:line 159     at umbraco.cms.businesslogic.CMSNode..ctor(Int32 Id) in d:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\7380c184e9fcd3ea\umbraco\cms\businesslogic\CMSNode.cs:line 91     at umbraco.cms.businesslogic.web.StyleSheet..ctor(Int32 id) in d:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\7380c184e9fcd3ea\umbraco\cms\businesslogic\web\StyleSheet.cs:line 78     at umbraco.editorControls.tinyMCE3.TinyMCE..ctor(IData Data, String Configuration) in d:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\7380c184e9fcd3ea\components\editorControls\tinyMCE3\TinyMCE.cs:line 150

    As do not have a directory d:\TeamCity\.. Iam wondering where this comes from and what to do to get rid of this.

    Another question: when going from dev to production, can all records in the table umbracoLog, safely be deleted?

    umbraco v 4.0.3 (Assembly version: 1.0.3680.15881)

    Thanks for your help


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