I worked with Tridion CMS. This CMS have the ability to "stage" a site i.e. to create the physical site/pages seperate from the database and CMS.
Umbraco dont create a physical site/pages, This create the page on fly. Some people said that Usually staging would be done for high usabily sites where performance is critical.
When you say massive traffic how much are we talking about then?
As far as I'm concerned you shouldn't be affraid of using Umbraco for a big site with lots of traffic. There's already some very big site running on Umbraco including heinz.com, wired.co.uk, home.dk, vogue.co.jp, warnerbros.com.au etc.
A couple of months ago me and my colleagues at Kraftvaerk in Denmark launched home.dk (the biggest property site in Denmark) that has around 1.6-1.7 millions of visitors each month. And it runs smoothly.
Staging in Tridion is only build to let the content editors work on a part of the site which they can see online. Then when they are finished you can publish all the pages to the live site. If you want this functionality you can use Umbraco also but you need to buy Courier, a commercial extension.
When working with Tridion you will find Umbraco very easy to program against. Used Tridion in the past and switched jobs because of that ;)
As a sidenote, Niels Hartvig mentioned at CodeMash that Umbraco should be able to scale up to about 250.000 nodes in the content tree, so if you're going to have a lot of nodes, this should not be an issue either.
When Umbraco publishes a site, it pushes an XML file that is then used in memory, so XSLT / XPath based queries will be fast - they can also be cached.
I think the packages Daniel suggested are Snapshot to create a seperate ASP.NET site, and the Static HTML Export package to generate flat html files, whilst Courier allows content to be moved between Umbraco installs.
Manuel, I know this is an old topic, but I'm wondering if you'd be interested in meeting.. I've got an office in Lima and am looking for more Umbraco resources or other people to discuss umbraco or form a group here.
Se que este topic no esta actual pero me gustaria saber si te interesa en reunir para hablar de Umbraco.. Tengo oficina en Lima con proyectos en Umbraco y me gustaria hablar generalmente de Umbraco y/o del mercado aca..
** I edited the answer to remove my email since I was contacted.. UMBRACO - consider a way for members here to get in touch without having to publically post their email address in a forum **
Website of bank using Umbraco
I would like to know if somebody have used Umbraco CMS in a website of Bank....only in Information page...not in homebanking site.
We aren't sure if we should use Umbraco CMS in this new project.
what do you think about that?
Please let me know if i shouldn't use Umbraco in this kind of website
Regards from Peru.
Umbraco can be used for any type of website; Bank not excluded.
What are your concerns with using Umbraco for the website?
Are you concerned about security?
My concern with using umbraco for this website is about the massive traffic to the site.
Umbraco can handle it... over 85,000 websites run Umbraco.
You should have a look here: http://umbraco.org/get-started/case-studies/sites-running-umbraco
I worked with Tridion CMS. This CMS have the ability to "stage" a site i.e. to create the physical site/pages seperate from the database and CMS.
Umbraco dont create a physical site/pages, This create the page on fly. Some people said that Usually staging would be done for high usabily sites where performance is critical.
Hi Manuel.
When you say massive traffic how much are we talking about then?
As far as I'm concerned you shouldn't be affraid of using Umbraco for a big site with lots of traffic. There's already some very big site running on Umbraco including heinz.com, wired.co.uk, home.dk, vogue.co.jp, warnerbros.com.au etc.
A couple of months ago me and my colleagues at Kraftvaerk in Denmark launched home.dk (the biggest property site in Denmark) that has around 1.6-1.7 millions of visitors each month. And it runs smoothly.
/Kim A
If by staging, you mean generating a static version of the site for review, there is a package developed for doing just that.
Hi Kim. Daniel
Now, I'm sure than I can use umbraco on the bank website. :)
Thanks for yours help.
Regards from Peru
Staging in Tridion is only build to let the content editors work on a part of the site which they can see online. Then when they are finished you can publish all the pages to the live site. If you want this functionality you can use Umbraco also but you need to buy Courier, a commercial extension.
When working with Tridion you will find Umbraco very easy to program against. Used Tridion in the past and switched jobs because of that ;)
Great to hear Manuel.
As a sidenote, Niels Hartvig mentioned at CodeMash that Umbraco should be able to scale up to about 250.000 nodes in the content tree, so if you're going to have a lot of nodes, this should not be an issue either.
/Kim A
Hi Manuel,
When Umbraco publishes a site, it pushes an XML file that is then used in memory, so XSLT / XPath based queries will be fast - they can also be cached.
I think the packages Daniel suggested are Snapshot to create a seperate ASP.NET site, and the Static HTML Export package to generate flat html files, whilst Courier allows content to be moved between Umbraco installs.
The bank I'm currently working with is using Umbraco in an upcoming site they are developing. It will be used in a secure consumer site.
That's great that can use Snapshot to create the physical site/pages separate from the database and CMS. I thinks the web site will run very faster.
Every time that the content editor staff update the content, we can use Snapshot to recreate the aspx pages.
Now Umbraco CMS can works like Tridions CMS.
Can I use Courier to to create the physical site/pages like Snapshot?
Thanks a lot!
Good Info! Why Don't you merge directly in Umbraco?
Hi Manuel Ruiz,
I have used umbraco web site for live trading web site also ( with auto refreshing stuff).
Works fine for me.
[email protected]
Manuel, I know this is an old topic, but I'm wondering if you'd be interested in meeting.. I've got an office in Lima and am looking for more Umbraco resources or other people to discuss umbraco or form a group here.
Se que este topic no esta actual pero me gustaria saber si te interesa en reunir para hablar de Umbraco.. Tengo oficina en Lima con proyectos en Umbraco y me gustaria hablar generalmente de Umbraco y/o del mercado aca..
** I edited the answer to remove my email since I was contacted.. UMBRACO - consider a way for members here to get in touch without having to publically post their email address in a forum **
is working on a reply...