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  • Scott 95 posts 277 karma points
    Nov 24, 2013 @ 11:35

    Give packages/modules its own section please

    Hi Umbraco Team,

    Firstly I want to thank you greatly for your work, it is tremendous!

    I honestly love Umbraco even though there are a few things I'd like changed.

    One of them is coming here and it is to give packages/modules its own section. That makes it much more straight forward for regular users to also love it.

    So a simple section with some tabs e.g.:

    • Installed Packages (here you must be able to configure and uninstall a package)
    • Package Gallery (here a search through packages and option to install)

    This way a package developer is required to up the pars when developing a package because the package have to configurable (this is where The Umbraco Team TUT must make it easy).

    Of course for the developers to be able to do something "standard" you have to incorporate a few other things like another standard Tab on another standard Document type you do not need any properties on these they are just for the ease of a developer to be able to inject into the standard solution of Umbraco.

    This might sound as a big deal but it is probably not as you are quite clever you guys.

    it will help developers quite much to have something "standard" to add to instead of having to come up with one anothers own framework in Umbraco.

    Well those are just my thoughts.

    Have a great Sunday!


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