I have the below code in an XSLT file which gets the value from a property and displays the link accordingly
<xsl:for-each select="$currentPage/ancestor-or-self::* [@level=$level]/* [@isDoc and string(mylink) != '0']">
$level is set to 1. What i noticed is when a page is set with an option at root level (i assume this is level 1) then all seems to work fine. If i create a sub page (below the current page) and set the same option then it doesnt work as it did like its parent page.
My guess is i need to iterate through other levels in order to get this to work.
How could i change the above line to go through all pages?
Iterate through nodes
I have the below code in an XSLT file which gets the value from a property and displays the link accordingly
$level is set to 1. What i noticed is when a page is set with an option at root level (i assume this is level 1) then all seems to work fine. If i create a sub page (below the current page) and set the same option then it doesnt work as it did like its parent page.
My guess is i need to iterate through other levels in order to get this to work.
How could i change the above line to go through all pages?
Hi J,
Can you rewrite your maco to razor ?
Hi J,
I know it maybe not very easy, can you show code of your file?
What Umbraco are you using?
is working on a reply...