I am working on a site written in xslt which i am not very confident in.
When creating an article all text is being htmlencoded which is required.
On most pages using a value-of with disable-output-escaping="yes" is enough to decode it, but on the edit page where i need to output to the value of a text input, it still gives me the encoded values.
output escaping on input field value (xslt)
I am working on a site written in xslt which i am not very confident in. When creating an article all text is being htmlencoded which is required. On most pages using a value-of with disable-output-escaping="yes" is enough to decode it, but on the edit page where i need to output to the value of a text input, it still gives me the encoded values.
What i've tried:
<xsl:variable name="atcHeadline" > <xsl:value-of select="$pageid/wwoverskrift" disable-output-escaping="yes"/></xsl:variable> <input type="text" class="form-control" value="{$atcHeadline}" name="headline" id="headline"/>
but it gives me:
instead of
Thanks in advance.
is working on a reply...