With moment() you need to set the locale like this: moment.locale('da')
Given you have set you culture to Danish (in Umbraco), then [DateTime].ToString() C# should give you a Danish representation of a date. If it's not good enough then spice it up using a format string.
How do i change datetime to danish
hi everyone How do i change datetime to danish i have try moment.js without luck
i have also try this one here from stackoverflow and also without luck. So how do i do it ?
If you are looking for a way to convert moment() to Danish date time see this: https://momentjs.com/docs/#/i18n/
If you are looking for a way to convert .NET DateTime to some Danish'ish format see this: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/base-types/custom-date-and-time-format-strings
With moment() you need to set the locale like this:
Given you have set you culture to Danish (in Umbraco), then
C# should give you a Danish representation of a date. If it's not good enough then spice it up using a format string.mikkel, have you tried to set that global by using the following code?
mikkel, do you still have this issue?
Nope i have Solved the problem :)
How did you solved it ?
Hi jan i am on my phone so i Can find it tomorow and show it here 🙂
I use this using at the top of my page
and then i uotput whit this code here
You can see my entire code of the page if you want to se how i didt. I hope it helps :D
mikkel, I saw many questions in the forum without selected solution if you want to make your question status obvious a bit select an answer.
is working on a reply...