The problem happened when entering contents using grid layout. After clicking "Reorder" button located at right hand corner, it is not easy for me to reorder with the same item name appears. Is there any method to change these to unique information entered under each item?
Checked package.manifest, could there be a value passing from the "view" html content so that the "name" field can change to some unique name but not all "Person Highlight".
"name": "{{something like: Name of Person}}",
"alias": "personHighlight",
"view": "/App_Plugins/GridEditors/Editors/personHighlight.html",
"render": "/App_Plugins/GridEditors/Views/personHighlight.cshtml"
Reordering of Grid Layout
The problem happened when entering contents using grid layout. After clicking "Reorder" button located at right hand corner, it is not easy for me to reorder with the same item name appears. Is there any method to change these to unique information entered under each item?
Checked package.manifest, could there be a value passing from the "view" html content so that the "name" field can change to some unique name but not all "Person Highlight".
I would like to know the answer to this too. Would be very useful.
I would like to know the answer to this too. Would be very useful. We are faceing this issue in Umbraco 8 thanks
I have the same problem in Umbraco 7. Did anyone find a solution for this?
is working on a reply...