The base class includes the field 'temp1223', but its type (System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlGenericControl) is not compatible with the type of control (umbraco.presentation.templateControls.Item).
When i change the ID, the problem dissappears, this generally seems to happen when i do a rebuild but can happen when i do a normal build
Umbraco Item in HTMLGenericControl
I am trying to reference umbraco fields in my html in order to set various piece of text/paths to images.
when I try and set the a back ground image of a div using an umbraco field, i receive the following problem, this is the line in my master page.
<div class="test-name" style="background:url('<umbraco:Item ID="temp1223" field="leftHandTitleGraphic" runat="server" />') no-repeat 0 0;">
Then the error I receive @ runtime is this
The base class includes the field 'temp1223', but its type (System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlGenericControl) is not compatible with the type of control (umbraco.presentation.templateControls.Item).
When i change the ID, the problem dissappears, this generally seems to happen when i do a rebuild but can happen when i do a normal build
Any help would be great thanks
is working on a reply...