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  • Cengizhan Peker 3 posts 23 karma points
    Jun 25, 2012 @ 15:50
    Cengizhan Peker

    TinyMCE "Styles" Problem

    Hi all,

    I have a problem about TinyMCE's stylings.
    I followed this topic [ ] and made a "Styles" list.

    So how can i make "Styles", like follows their properties.
    For Example > Blue Text shows like Blue Text
           Red Text shows like Red Text


    in "Styles" list.

    Sorry for poor English
    Thanks a lot

  • Jan Skovgaard 11280 posts 23678 karma points MVP 11x admin c-trib
    Jun 25, 2012 @ 18:45
    Jan Skovgaard

    Hi Cengizhan and welcome to our :)

    Let me see if I get your question right...

    You want to have the text marked with the blue class to show as blue text in the rich text editor and on the website itself. Is that correct? Or do you only want the text to be shown as blue in the rich text editor?

    Looking forward to hearing a bit more from you.


  • Cengizhan Peker 3 posts 23 karma points
    Jun 25, 2012 @ 20:52
    Cengizhan Peker

    Hi Jan,

    Yes thats correct.
    Style name that is in the list, must include its css properties.

    For example, in this "Post a reply" textarea, when i open the "Paragraph" dialog, elements seems like have a css.

    is this possible?
    Thanks a lot :) 

  • Cengizhan Peker 3 posts 23 karma points
    Jul 02, 2012 @ 11:31
    Cengizhan Peker

    any reply? :(

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