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  • Ondrej 1 post 21 karma points
    Jun 29, 2012 @ 09:41

    Multi language, intelligent link conversion

    Hi all, 

    I'm pretty new to Umbraco, so my question may turn out to be pretty simple, but I wasn't able to find any simple guide on it online. 

    I'm building a simple website with one domain and structure as follows

    - en
    -- products
    -- contacts
    - cs
    -- produkty
    -- kontakty

    and so on. My first question is: since I want to accomplish some nice results in SEO, I need to (i) assign meta language to contents of "en" and "cs" nodes, as well as some keywords. How should I do this? 

    Second: Say that in the future, I decide to add a new language, ex. Russian. So what I would need to do is to make a copy of the "en" node and its contents while the links included in the newly created copy should be rewritten to point at the copy and not the original (original would be /en/anotherpage, which should be rewritten to /ru/anotherpage). Is this possible? 


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