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  • Daniel 9 posts 29 karma points
    Aug 16, 2012 @ 13:56

    Skin is being updated??

    Hi guys,

    I'm new to Umbraco, and started out whit 4.80.
    I've followed the steps in and installed the starter, but I can't get around this "Skin is being updated..."

    So, I never see the skin I chose at installation, and I'm always asked to install a new skin, and when I try to install, i only get the text "Skin is being updated..." and nothing happens.

    Here is a picture of my screen:

    Please help me out. Thanks in advance!

  • Jan Skovgaard 11280 posts 23678 karma points MVP 11x admin c-trib
    Aug 16, 2012 @ 21:27
    Jan Skovgaard

    Hi Daniel

    I'm suspicious that your permissions are not correct.

    Are you trying to install Umbraco manually?


  • Daniel 9 posts 29 karma points
    Aug 16, 2012 @ 21:46

    Hi Jan,

    Thanks for helping me!
    I think you are right, also because my xslt-folder is empty.
    Right now I run everything through Visual Web Developer 2010 Express and Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
    Later i will try to install it manually on my Surftown-webhotel, but it seems like their guide to installation will be manually and a bit complicated... :-)

    Do I have to run Firefox as an administrator?
    I had no problems writing to web.config in the root during the installation.

    It's my wish to work with Umbraco and try to migrate some of my ASP websites when I fully understand how it works.


  • Jan Skovgaard 11280 posts 23678 karma points MVP 11x admin c-trib
    Aug 17, 2012 @ 06:44
    Jan Skovgaard

    Hi Daniel

    That's what it's all about :)

    If you want to install Umbraco manually you should read this guide by Sebastiaan Janssen (The new project manager at Umbraco HQ).

    You need to set permissions for the IUSR and Network service accounts on the root folder containing Umbraco. But it's all described in the above guide. Hope this helps.

    Is there any particular reason you're choosing Surftown? (Just curious).


  • Daniel 9 posts 29 karma points
    Aug 18, 2012 @ 21:40

    Hi Jan,

    Man, it's a long time ago since I touched the IUSR thing.
    I also read "Permissions" (, which makes it a little more easy.
    I gave USERS (servername\users) full control (even though it is not the same as IUSR), and now the installation of Umbraco jumps right over point 5 (Starter kit). Strange!

    I was a customer @, and chose Surftown in 2009. Mostly because I was able to have 10 domains, and the MSSQL was/is free.
    I worked for Bilinfo/eBay (Not long ago, I heard rumors about them using Umbraco) at that time, and I had a good friend in the web department who was a customer there.
    After 3 years, i'm still a well-pleased customer, and they have a good customer support whenever you need it. During the terrible cloudburst last year in Copenhagen they were also quick to sort things out, and their uptime = 100%. They are interested in their customers success. Not long ago they sent e-mails out about how to be known in the social media.

  • Daniel 9 posts 29 karma points
    Aug 18, 2012 @ 21:43

    Hi Jan,

    Man, it's a long time ago since I touched the IUSR thing.
    I also read "Permissions" (, which makes it a little more easy.
    I gave USERS (servername\users) full control (even though it is not the same as IUSR), and now the installation of Umbraco jumps right over point 5 (Starter kit). Strange!

    I was a customer @, and chose Surftown in 2009. Mostly because I was able to have 10 domains, and the MSSQL was/is free.
    I worked for Bilinfo/eBay (Not long ago, I heard rumors about them using Umbraco) at that time, and I had a good friend in the web department who was a customer there.
    After 3 years, i'm still a well-pleased customer, and they have a good customer support whenever you need it. During the terrible cloudburst last year in Copenhagen they were also quick to sort things out, and their uptime = 100%. They are interested in their customers success. Not long ago they sent e-mails out about how to be known in the social media.


  • Daniel 9 posts 29 karma points
    Aug 23, 2012 @ 21:50

    Hi Jan,

    Today, after making sure that IUSR and IIS_IUSRS (Daniel-PC\IIS_IUSRS) exists.
    I get this error for 1-3 seconds in the right corner:

    Objektreferencen er ikke indstillet til en forekomst af et objekt.

    I'm not good enough in ASP.NET to know where the error is, but my understanding is that something somewhere is null.

    Hope this makes sense :-)


  • Jan Skovgaard 11280 posts 23678 karma points MVP 11x admin c-trib
    Aug 24, 2012 @ 21:33
    Jan Skovgaard

    Hi Daniel

    Did you give the network service permissions as well? And what are your app pool settings?

    Omg...I don't get the error messages when they're in danish! :) Sorry, does not make sense to me.

    But tell a bit more about the settings you have made with permissions, app pool etc. and let's see if we can get it to work.


  • Daniel 9 posts 29 karma points
    Sep 16, 2012 @ 23:26

    Hi Jan,

    So sorry for my slow response...hope you can forgive me :o)

    Well, as I said, I run it through Visual Web Developer 2010 Express, so I thought all the necessary rights were there.

    By the way, I should find out if I could set it up through my IIS using localhost as I've seen in some of the videos (if I try just to run the default.aspx on port 80 i get a HTTP-error 500.19 - Internal Server Error).

    What the error message says when running through VWD is this:

    Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

    So, I'm not running it through app pools. If you think it's better I run it another way or install it immediately at surftown, I am more than open to that.
    I don't know if I can upload it without any troubles when I get to that point :o)


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