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  • Ayo Adesina 434 posts 1027 karma points
    Apr 12, 2013 @ 23:52
    Ayo Adesina

    Document Types - Best Practice

    It's been a while since I used umbraco, but I'm glad to be back.. :-) 

    As I ease myself in to the wonderful world of umbraco again, I have decided to create a CV website using umbraco, the website is a one page website with diffrent sections, but still all rendered on one page.

    My question is I have a section called techical skills for example... screen shot below... Now I want to control this in umbraco, by doing something like > adding new skill, add skill title, desciption etc... should I be doing something like this in my documents types...

       -Technical Skills
       -Formal Education
       -Recent Work

    I.e have one document type with sub - types... as its a one page site....

    Or should they be all seprate?

    My instinct is to do it with sub types, but as I haven't used Umbraco for sooooo long I just thought Id make sure.








  • Rich Green 2246 posts 4008 karma points
    Apr 14, 2013 @ 11:03
    Rich Green

    Hey Ayo,

    Looks good to me!


  • Charles Afford 1163 posts 1709 karma points
    Apr 14, 2013 @ 21:29
    Charles Afford

    Yea that  seems like a good implimentation.  Certianlty only need for one doc type.  No need for it to be really complicated by the sounds of it :).  Charlie

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