I'm building a custom section, and utilizing the built in menu actions for items in the menu tree. Basically I'm trying to create a folder tree, that lets the users create a folder hierarchy in my tree.
Problem is: after creating a new folder, the umbraco backend stays in "create" mode, which means that after creating and saving a node, next action will spawn a
"You have unsaved changes" warning in the backend. I suspect this is because after creating and saving the node, the url does not change. While creating it will be: #/Docstore/DocstoreTree/edit/{id of parent}?create, and it doesn't change after hitting "Save" in the backend. I've tried changing the url in the $scope.save function, but it just shows the "Unsaved changes" warning and halts the url relocation.
EDIT: Later found a service with a method aimed at this: contentEditingHelper.redirectToCreatedContent(), but it still shows the dreaded "Unsaved content" warning when calling the method.
UPDATE: Pinpointed the origin of the warning, in the html form I'm using I copied a form with a val-form-manager directive, that basically checks the $dirty property of the form and blocks navigating to new route with the unsaved message. At the moment I don't understand why the form is considered dirty after the save.
To set up the menu actions for each node I'm using this code:
namespace MySection.Trees
[Tree("Docstore", "DocstoreTree", "Versioned documents",
"icon-folder", "icon-folder-open", true, 100)]
public class DocstoreTreeController : TreeController
// Tree
protected override TreeNodeCollection GetTreeNodes(string id,
FormDataCollection queryStrings)
// Creating the tree …
// Menuitems
protected override MenuItemCollection GetMenuForNode(string id,
FormDataCollection queryStrings)
var menu = new MenuItemCollection();
// Menu for root
if (id == Constants.System.Root.ToInvariantString())
menu.Items.Add<CreateChildEntity, ActionNew>
(ui.Text("actions", ActionNew.Instance.Alias));
menu.Items.Add<RefreshNode, ActionRefresh>
(ui.Text("actions", ActionRefresh.Instance.Alias), true);
return menu;
// Menu for other items
menu.Items.Add<CreateChildEntity, ActionNew>
(ui.Text("actions", ActionNew.Instance.Alias));
menu.Items.Add<RefreshNode, ActionRefresh>
(ui.Text("actions", ActionRefresh.Instance.Alias), true);
return menu;
In the edit controller I'm handling the edit/save events like this:
function ($scope, $routeParams, notificationsService,
navigationService, docstoreResource) {
// Event handlers
$scope.save = function (folder) {
docstoreResource.saveFolder(folder).then(function (response) {
$scope.folder = response.data;
notificationsService.success('Succes', folder.name + ' blev oprettet');
$scope.syncDocstoreTree = function (reload) {
var pathArray = ['-1'];
console.log('Path: ' + $scope.folder.path + "!");
if ($scope.folder.path) {
pathArray.push.apply(pathArray, $scope.folder.path.trim().split(','));
return navigationService.syncTree({
tree: 'DocstoreTree',
path: pathArray,
forceReload: reload
// Setup scope properties and display
$scope.loaded = false;
// Check if we're at the root of the tree
if ($routeParams.id === '-1') {
$scope.folder = {
name: ''
$scope.loaded = true;
// Check if we're creating a subfolder
if ($routeParams.create) {
$scope.folder = {
name: '',
parentId: $routeParams.id
$scope.loaded = true;
// If we reached this spot, there must be a selected folder to load
docstoreResource.getFolder($routeParams.id).then(function (response) {
$scope.folder = response.data;
$scope.syncDocstoreTree(true).then(function() {
$scope.loaded = true;
The IsDirty of which form? I can't get this to work - I've included my own val-form-manager form, but clearing isDirty on that isn't working - as the umb-dashboard form control is apparently still dirty.
And I can't work out how to get an instance of the umb-dashboard control so I can change it's dirty flag...
Handling edit/create state in custom section
I'm building a custom section, and utilizing the built in menu actions for items in the menu tree. Basically I'm trying to create a folder tree, that lets the users create a folder hierarchy in my tree.
Problem is: after creating a new folder, the umbraco backend stays in "create" mode, which means that after creating and saving a node, next action will spawn a "You have unsaved changes" warning in the backend. I suspect this is because after creating and saving the node, the url does not change. While creating it will be:
#/Docstore/DocstoreTree/edit/{id of parent}?create
, and it doesn't change after hitting "Save" in the backend. I've tried changing the url in the$scope.save
function, but it just shows the "Unsaved changes" warning and halts the url relocation.EDIT: Later found a service with a method aimed at this:
, but it still shows the dreaded "Unsaved content" warning when calling the method.UPDATE: Pinpointed the origin of the warning, in the html form I'm using I copied a form with a val-form-manager directive, that basically checks the $dirty property of the form and blocks navigating to new route with the unsaved message. At the moment I don't understand why the form is considered dirty after the save.
To set up the menu actions for each node I'm using this code:
In the edit controller I'm handling the edit/save events like this:
I got around this issue by setting the $dirty property of the form to false after saving the data.
The IsDirty of which form? I can't get this to work - I've included my own val-form-manager form, but clearing isDirty on that isn't working - as the umb-dashboard form control is apparently still dirty.
And I can't work out how to get an instance of the umb-dashboard control so I can change it's dirty flag...
This occurs because in the save even you have this line of code
Because you change your data on your scope it will trigger the form to become dirty.
As vinegar points out you overrulle this by adding his code to your save code in the controller.
is working on a reply...