.then(function(content) { = "I want a new name!";, false, files)
alert("Retrieved, updated and saved again");
The files argument should be a collection of files for the document. If I leave that with an empty array, will it delete any associated files with the document or is there som way to get the collection of files from the page and re-post it as an argument?
Could anyone spread som light over this files argument.
What is the files argument in
Hi, I'm creating my own property editor and I'm about to save an existing node but there is an undocumented argument in the save action.
From Belle
The files argument should be a collection of files for the document. If I leave that with an empty array, will it delete any associated files with the document or is there som way to get the collection of files from the page and re-post it as an argument?
Could anyone spread som light over this files argument.
is working on a reply...