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  • Andy Blyth 9 posts 120 karma points
    Sep 15, 2015 @ 15:08
    Andy Blyth

    Square Brackets for admin application

    I am using Services.SectionService.MakeNew inside a IPackageAction, but always get [] until I update the the section in en.xml file, is there a way to do this automatically? I am guessing it it something to do with the TextService, but can't find much about it.

  • Andy Blyth 9 posts 120 karma points
    Sep 22, 2015 @ 11:28
    Andy Blyth

    I did this by writing a little method to handle it, don't know if it is the right way, but it works.

    private static void UpdateLocale(string en)
            XmlDocument languageFile = XmlHelper.OpenAsXmlDocument(en);
            XmlNode rootNode = languageFile.SelectSingleNode("//area[@alias='sections']");
            if (rootNode.SelectNodes("key[@alias='aliasValue']").Count == 0)
                XmlNode newNode = (XmlNode)languageFile.CreateElement("key");
                newNode.Attributes.Append(XmlHelper.AddAttribute(languageFile, "alias", "aliasValue"));
                newNode.InnerText = "Nice String";

    This is called like this UpdateLocale("/umbraco/Config/Lang/en.xml");

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