Anyone know of a workaround for using JSON.Net 7.0.1?
I'm working on building a plugin using Jira for our clients, however it seems Atlassian only uses 7.0.1 JSON.NET which is above Umbraco's dependency requirements. Any way we can look into getting support for this or is there a workaround for these types of issues? Thank you.
Anyone know of a workaround for using JSON.Net 7.0.1?
I'm working on building a plugin using Jira for our clients, however it seems Atlassian only uses 7.0.1 JSON.NET which is above Umbraco's dependency requirements. Any way we can look into getting support for this or is there a workaround for these types of issues? Thank you.
Nevermind looks like TechTalk.JiraRestClient is a workaround until we get support.
is working on a reply...