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I was trying to save this simple navigation
<nav><ul> @{ var homeNode = Model.AncestorOrSelf("Home");} <li> <a href="@homeNode.Url">@homeNode.Name</a> </li> @foreach (var page in homeNode.Children.Where("Visible")) { <li> <a href="@page.Url">@page.Name</a> </li> }</ul> @if (page.Children.Where("Visible").Count() > 0) { <ul> @foreach (var childPage in page.Children.Where("Visible")) { <li><a href="@childPage.Url">@childPage.Name</a></li> } </ul> }</ul></nav>
But i got this error Saving scripting file failed: d:\_produktion\\MacroScripts\635221987629512119_Navigation.cshtml(40): error CS0135: 'page' conflicts with the declaration ''
Your code:
@if (page.Children.Where("Visible").Count() > 0)
Is outside of the foreach loop that sets the page variable, which is why you get this error
thaks silly me !
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Error saving scripting files
I was trying to save this simple navigation
But i got this error
Saving scripting file failed: d:\_produktion\\MacroScripts\635221987629512119_Navigation.cshtml(40): error CS0135: 'page' conflicts with the declaration ''
Your code:
Is outside of the foreach loop that sets the page variable, which is why you get this error
thaks silly me !
is working on a reply...