A very important part of the list view is our ability to set amount per page. I don't see how anyone can hardcode 10 per page and sleep at night? (Joke)
Anyone know of a configfile or anything like that where amount per page can be changed?
I think that I have seen this question before and I was right. I found the other post where Tom Fulton is pointing where the 10 items per page is hardcoded.
As I understand so should be able to change by change the hardcoded value of 10 to another digit, in the the file if you reallllly want to (/umbraco/js/umbraco.controllers.js), but not recommended, to make changes into the core code of Umbraco as Tom Fulton also said.
Thank you for the snappy answer ;-) I have no intention of changing anything hardcoded. It would be nice to have the option though. Hope this makes it into a future release.
Number of items shown in list view?
Is it possible to show n number of items shown per page in a List view?
As per default it's showing ten. When using it in a three with loads of nodes there will be way to many items in the pager.
I'd love to be able to configure how many items show in the list view for a given parent doctype. Would make the feature much more usable.
What is the best place to post feature requests like this?
A very important part of the list view is our ability to set amount per page. I don't see how anyone can hardcode 10 per page and sleep at night? (Joke)
Anyone know of a configfile or anything like that where amount per page can be changed?
Hi Dan,
I think that I have seen this question before and I was right. I found the other post where Tom Fulton is pointing where the 10 items per page is hardcoded.
As I understand so should be able to change by change the hardcoded value of 10 to another digit, in the the file if you reallllly want to (
), but not recommended, to make changes into the core code of Umbraco as Tom Fulton also said.https://github.com/umbraco/Umbraco-CMS/blob/02a4c2f4fc908e08d2cf7d1a0590c7cb719eef40/src/Umbraco.Web.UI.Client/src/views/propertyeditors/listview/listview.controller.js#L33
Hope this helps,
Hi Dennis
Thank you for the snappy answer ;-)
I have no intention of changing anything hardcoded. It would be nice to have the option though. Hope this makes it into a future release.
I tried the above and I can confirm it works fine.
As Dennis said you can...
Open the file Umbraco\Js\umbraco.controllers.js
Search for pageSize: 10,
Update the pageSize value to whatever you want
$scope.options = { pageSize: 100, pageNumber: 1, filter: '', orderBy: 'UpdateDate', orderDirection: "desc" };
Once I did this I cleared the cache and logged back in to be sure and it all worked fine.
I've been using this for a number of weeks and seen no problems as yet.
My Umbraco version is Umbraco version 7.1.8 assembly: 1.0.5394.16131
is working on a reply...