Public Access set and Child Nodes redirect to page after authentication.
Version 7.0.4
I set the public access on a parent node to a certain group and all of the child nodes inherit that security, however if I try to browse to a child node after I've authenticated it just redirects to the parent pages template.
parent (public access security set to group A)
--child 1
--child 2
Browse to child 1 or 2 and it will show the content from parent after you login. In my case the parent template says Welcome [so and so], logout.
Public Access set and Child Nodes redirect to page after authentication.
Version 7.0.4
I set the public access on a parent node to a certain group and all of the child nodes inherit that security, however if I try to browse to a child node after I've authenticated it just redirects to the parent pages template.
Browse to child 1 or 2 and it will show the content from parent after you login. In my case the parent template says Welcome [so and so], logout.
Is this a bug?
is working on a reply...