Mediapicker not showing when User permission is set to specific content node
Hey guys,
Quick question, I am running Umbraco 7.0.1. When I create new users and set their default content node to anything but the default setting, properties of the type media picker don't display the media picker on the content area.
Mediapicker not showing when User permission is set to specific content node
Hey guys,
Quick question, I am running Umbraco 7.0.1. When I create new users and set their default content node to anything but the default setting, properties of the type media picker don't display the media picker on the content area.
Anyone seen this issue before?
Hi Jan and welcome to our :)
Could you perhaps post some screendumps of this issue? I think it will make it easier to figure out what you mean.
Cheers, Jan
Hi Jan,
Thank you for your reply :)
I can confirm that this issue has been resolved after upgrading to Umbraco 7.0.4
Hi Jan
Glad you got it working :)
is working on a reply...