Inbuilding a new site on 7.1 i stumbled into a problem. Can anyone tell if im doing it wrong or if tis a bug.
I use the RTE for content. I have created a stylesheet for use in the RTE I have selected the stylesheet on the RTE datatype I have creat 2 styles as subnodes, like in the former versions of Umbraco.
But i dont get any styles to choose from in the RTE... just a blob saying Embed
It wasnt due to caching... It wnet away and came back and went awy and came back... That sure does sound like caching. but ive clereare the temp folders. adn it still came back. Though now it populated the dropdown with "source code" instead of "Embed". I've now disable the view source button.
RTE stylesheet in 7.1
Inbuilding a new site on 7.1 i stumbled into a problem. Can anyone tell if im doing it wrong or if tis a bug.
I use the RTE for content.
I have created a stylesheet for use in the RTE
I have selected the stylesheet on the RTE datatype
I have creat 2 styles as subnodes, like in the former versions of Umbraco.
But i dont get any styles to choose from in the RTE... just a blob saying Embed
Hi Claus
It's due to the caching in Umbraco.
If you recycle the app pool it should display your defined styles/headings as it would usually do. Ran into this myself the other day.
It wasnt due to caching... It wnet away and came back and went awy and came back... That sure does sound like caching. but ive clereare the temp folders. adn it still came back. Though now it populated the dropdown with "source code" instead of "Embed". I've now disable the view source button.
This seems to do the trick (for now...)
can anyone reproduce this "bug"
Oh well, it didnt fix it. For some strange reason it seems to take content from a button next to it. Now it takes the bold button.
Hmmmm, force reloading the node (command+shift+r) when the problem arises fixes the problem...
So its some kind of caching/not finished loading thing...
Any pointers?
Hi Claus
Hmm, will have to re-check when I work with that particular project again.
But I think you should file a bug-report at the issue tracker. Smells like a bug to me.
is working on a reply...