move media items in bulk or drag and drop, add folder picker to MMP uploader?
in v.7.1.1, am I missing something? It doesn't seem possible to move/manage media items in bulk, either by selecting a range of items or by drag and dropping them, to another folder or the trash.
also, when uploading with the multi media picker, it appears you can add a folder on the fly to /media but not pick an existing folder. if you enter the name of an existing folder, i think it creates a duplicate folder w/(n) extension.
it's pretty easy to accidently upload 20 images to the wrong folder, is there no quick way to fix the mistake?
This is odd, I just moved all but one image from one folder to another and that last one shows up like some kind of banner crop, although none were ever done on that image or to anything in that folder. The other images/folders still look fine.
edits: that is when selecting the containing folder, when selecting the image itself, it looks fine.
another wide one like that also shows up at the bottom of the folder to which the rest of the images were moved, a different image.
tried to delete the one in the first folder, now i still see it listed as in the folder but when you select it, nothing shows up. the one in the other folder as also turned into a listing but no real image. so it looks like the folder contents view thinks it's there but it isn't.
I started with one top level folder and one inside that but after moving several, i realized it would be quicker to move the second level folder to a top level so I would save a click opening the top folder to get to the second one. didn't notice anything was wrong until i got to that last one.
ok, I see I missed the whole 'list view' concept: go into settings, media types and on folder, structure tab, enable list view.
that at least gives you the option to mass delete things that ended up in the wrong place. you can't move them but you could delete then re-upload to the right place.
I've never done any customizations to media type settings, looks like a whole new world opens up there....
I had a media folder with 3000+ images on the root , so just created a folder for each year and ran this update for each folder
UPDATE umbracoNode
SET parentID='19607', level=2, path = '-1,19607,'+ CAST(id AS varchar(50))
WHERE (YEAR(createDate) = '2015') and (parentID = '-1') and (level=1) and (nodeObjectType = 'b796f64c-1f99-4ffb-b886-4bf4bc011a9c')
I started to update the cmsContentXML but realized it wasn't required
if object_id('tempdb..#tmp', 'u') is not null
DECLARE @nodeId varchar(255)
SELECT @nodeId = '1326'
DECLARE @parentID varchar(255)
SELECT @parentID = '1801'
--CREATE TABLE #tmp(Id int,DocXml xml) -- select target records into tempdb
SELECT nodeId, CAST([xml] AS xml) AS DocXml INTO #tmp FROM cmsContentXml WHERE nodeId = @nodeId;
DECLARE @newValue varchar(255)
SELECT @newValue = '-1,'
+ @parentID
+ ','
+ (SELECT CAST(nodeId AS varchar(50)) FROM #tmp);
-- update tempdb
UPDATE #tmp SET DocXml.modify('replace value of (/Image/@parentID)[1] with (sql:variable("@parentID"))');
DocXml.modify('replace value of (/Image/@level)[1] with "2"');
DocXml.modify('replace value of (/Image/@path)[1] with (sql:variable("@newValue"))');
-- and copy back to original table
UPDATE cmsContentXml
SET xml = CAST(U.DocXml AS nvarchar(MAX))
FROM dbo.cmsContentXml TT
INNER JOIN #tmp U ON TT.nodeId = U.nodeId;
SELECT * FROM cmsContentXml WHERE nodeId = @nodeId;
UPDATE umbracoNode
SET parentID='19607', level=2, path = '-1,19607,'+ CAST(id AS varchar(50))
WHERE (YEAR(createDate) = '2015') and (parentID = '-1') and (level=1) and (nodeObjectType = 'b796f64c-1f99-4ffb-b886-4bf4bc011a9c')
DECLARE @destinationFolderId varchar(6)
DECLARE @year varchar(4)
SET @destinationFolderId = '45189'
SET @year = '2019'
INTO #tempIds
FROM umbracoNode
INNER JOIN cmsContent ON = cmsContent.nodeId
RIGHT JOIN cmsContentType on cmsContent.contentType = cmsContentType.nodeId
YEAR(createDate) = @year)
AND (parentID = '-1')
AND (level=1)
AND (nodeObjectType = 'b796f64c-1f99-4ffb-b886-4bf4bc011a9c' -- = Constants.ObjectTypes.Media
AND cmsContentType.alias = 'Image' -- Only take Images
path = '-1,'+ @destinationFolderId + ','+ CAST(id AS varchar(50))
IN ( SELECT id FROM #tempIds )
Uncomment the --COMMIT TRAN to execute the transaction :)
move media items in bulk or drag and drop, add folder picker to MMP uploader?
in v.7.1.1, am I missing something? It doesn't seem possible to move/manage media items in bulk, either by selecting a range of items or by drag and dropping them, to another folder or the trash.
also, when uploading with the multi media picker, it appears you can add a folder on the fly to /media but not pick an existing folder. if you enter the name of an existing folder, i think it creates a duplicate folder w/(n) extension.
it's pretty easy to accidently upload 20 images to the wrong folder, is there no quick way to fix the mistake?
Ah, I see that you can pick folders from the MMP, they were just way down below the images that got into /media.
Still would like a way to drag/drop or multiple select or some quicker/easier way to manage them than: r-click > 'move' > click > 'move' > ok; repeat.
Not a biggie for a couple images but bad upload for a gallery makes for a lot of work.
This is odd, I just moved all but one image from one folder to another and that last one shows up like some kind of banner crop, although none were ever done on that image or to anything in that folder. The other images/folders still look fine.
edits: that is when selecting the containing folder, when selecting the image itself, it looks fine.
another wide one like that also shows up at the bottom of the folder to which the rest of the images were moved, a different image.
tried to delete the one in the first folder, now i still see it listed as in the folder but when you select it, nothing shows up. the one in the other folder as also turned into a listing but no real image. so it looks like the folder contents view thinks it's there but it isn't.
How deep is your media tree? Are you just moving images between top level folders or can you move images between sub-folders?
I started with one top level folder and one inside that but after moving several, i realized it would be quicker to move the second level folder to a top level so I would save a click opening the top folder to get to the second one. didn't notice anything was wrong until i got to that last one.
deleting them has made them go away entirely though, so no harm, no foul.
ok, I see I missed the whole 'list view' concept: go into settings, media types and on folder, structure tab, enable list view.
that at least gives you the option to mass delete things that ended up in the wrong place. you can't move them but you could delete then re-upload to the right place.
I've never done any customizations to media type settings, looks like a whole new world opens up there....
I had a media folder with 3000+ images on the root , so just created a folder for each year and ran this update for each folder
I started to update the cmsContentXML but realized it wasn't required
Lifesaver , Many thanks.
I adjusted it to only affect Images.
Uncomment the --COMMIT TRAN to execute the transaction :)
is working on a reply...