one thing - does it make a difference if you place the @helper at the start of the file? I've always done this, and suspect it may help with parsing, but not sure.
I got an error but think I posted the question to fast because I found out what was wrong a second after and it was not with the helper. but Robert you post was interesting and will help me in the future!
How to use @helper render
Im trying to use render helper fucktions like this
But I cant get it to work is there something im doing worng. I dont want to write all the render stuff in each div where i need this to be rendered.
Hi Dan
Do you get any error message? or does nothing render at all?
hey, the following post may help you:
one thing - does it make a difference if you place the @helper at the start of the file? I've always done this, and suspect it may help with parsing, but not sure.
I got an error but think I posted the question to fast because I found out what was wrong a second after and it was not with the helper. but Robert you post was interesting and will help me in the future!
Hi Dan
Glad to hear you got it solved :)
Do you care to share the error as well as your solution? Just so others can benefit if they come across the same thing.
Cheers, /Jan
Hi Jan
The error was not even with the @helper so if I should write the solution then it would make more sense to make a hole new question :P
is working on a reply...