I am working on a Umbraco 7 project. Suddenly it crashes with error:
Only thing I have been working with is a new property editor in App_Plugins.
I am using Umbraco.sdf database.
Any Idears? Thanks
Server Error in '/' Application.
Root element is missing.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.Xml.XmlException: Root element is missing.
Source Error:
An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.
Yes It could be my code :-) But. Quit sure I have tried everything regarding my code. Tried to delete all folders + content inside App_Plugins. that schould do it right?
I am not trying to read any XML.
I am not able of getting Umbraco Backend. And not able of displaying site. Always this error.
Ok...ehm...do you have debug="true" set in the web.config? (There is only one place to do it)...and if you try using the console log while refreshing your browser window (I'm asuming you're using Chrome) does that help anything? It might be a cache issue...
However...if you go to the /app_data/umbraco.config file...does it then contain any XML?
<aboutTitle><![CDATA[What's this about?]]></aboutTitle>
<aboutText><![CDATA[<p>This is <a href="http://html5up.net/txt/">TXT</a>, a free site template designed by <a href="http://n33.co">n33</a> for <a href="http://html5up.net/">HTML5 UP</a>. It's built on the <a href="http://skeljs.org">skelJS</a> framework, uses well-thought out HTML5 and CSS3, and is fully responsive making it a great starting point for your own projects. And, like everything else we make, it's also free to use for pretty much any personal or commercial work under the <a href="http://html5up.net/license/">Creative Commons Attribution</a> license, so go ahead and use it – just don't forget to credit us!</p>]]></aboutText>
<siteName><![CDATA[Umbraco Txt]]></siteName>
<byline><![CDATA[A responsive starter kit for Umbraco]]></byline>
<bodyText><![CDATA[<p>You've installed Umbraco and the "Txt" Starter Kit.</p>
<p>Edit the text on the homepage and create a site structure by adding new texpages to your site. This is all done in the <strong>Content</strong> section.</p>
<p>If you find the editing options provided by the Txt site too limited for you needs, simply add more properties to the page by going to the <strong>Settings</strong> section, expanding the <strong>Document Types</strong> item and adding new properties on the <strong>Generic Properties</strong> tab. You can find more information about <a href="http://umbraco.org/help-and-support/video-tutorials/introduction-to-umbraco/sitebuilder-introduction/document-types" title="About Umbraco Document Types">document types and properties</a> at the <a href="http://umbraco.com" title="The Umbraco Website">Umbraco website</a>.</p>
<p>You'll probably want to personalize your site by changing the current design. This is also done in the <strong>Settings</strong> section, by editing the CSS styles and HTML templates. Umbraco uses master templates, so the main, common markup is placed in the <strong>Starterkit Master</strong> template, while the Homeage and Textpage have separate templates for their unique layouts. You can find more information about <a href="http://umbraco.org/help-and-support/video-tutorials/introduction-to-umbraco/sitebuilder-introduction/templates" title="Umbraco Templates and Stylesheets">templates and css</a> in umbraco at the umbraco website.</p>
<p>Once you're happy with your site's design, you might want to add more functionality, such as maps, image galleries or forms. This is done by <a href="http://umbraco.org/help-and-support/video-tutorials/getting-started" title="Umbraco Modules">installing Umbraco modules</a>.</p>]]></bodyText>
<bodyText><![CDATA[<p>The Txt Starter Kit only scratches the surface of what's possible with Umbraco. Below the Txt Starter Kit and its modules lies a great architecture that lets you implement whatever you need.</p>
<p>With Umbraco you've finally got a solid, open and reliable platform for websites as basic as the Txt site, and Umbraco can be rapidly expanded to support multi-language websites, collaboration platforms and intra/extranets, to name just a few.</p>
<p>Advanced functionality is created with Umbraco macros, built with Umbraco's award-winning .NET integration, including full support for any .NET User or Custom control and ASP.NET MVC. Create and integrate your own .NET macros in mere minutes with point and click simplicity. Simply copy your controls to the Umbraco website, go to the <strong>Developer</strong> section and create a new macro, selecting your control from the list.</p>
<p>You can also use <a href="http://umbraco.org/help-and-support/video-tutorials/getting-started/working-with-webmatrix" title="Working with Razor">Microsoft's Razor</a> syntax to quickly add dynamic functionality to your site.</p>
<p>We've also gathered the best community macros into a repository that's also accessed from the <strong>Developer</strong> section, in the <strong>Packages</strong> area. You can find more information <a href="http://umbraco.org/help-and-support/video-tutorials/introduction-to-umbraco/sitebuilder-introduction/what-are-macros" title="About creating Umbraco macros">about creating macros</a>, on the Umbraco website.</p>
<p>The sky is the limit with Umbraco, and you have the benefit a friendly community, training, and guaranteed support. Find out how to <a href="http://umbraco.org/help-and-support" title="Get Umbraco Support">get help</a>.</p>]]></bodyText>
<bodyText><![CDATA[<p>Umbraco modules encapsulate specific bits of advanced functionality that are easily added to your website.</p>
<p>Once installed, Umbraco modules are open source and easy to customize if you want to modify the behavior for your specific needs.</p>
<p>Because Umbraco modules are provided under the MIT license you are free to use and modify them any way you want, with no strings attached.</p>
<p>To add Umbraco modules to your website, go to the <strong>Settings</strong> section, expand the <strong>Templates</strong> item, select the <strong>Starterkit Master</strong> template, then click the <strong>Customize Skin</strong> button on the toolbar.</p>
<p>Umbraco modules are available for various kinds of navigation, a sitemap, social media feeds, and a contact form. The list of available Umbraco modules is growing rapidly and is automatically updated from a central source, always fresh and current.</p>
<p><a href="http://umbraco.org/get-started" title="Get Started with Umbraco">Get more information</a> about the umbraco way.</p>]]></bodyText>
<bodyText><![CDATA[<p>The Txt Starter Kit gives you a small website that introduces you to a set of well-defined conventions for building an Umbraco website.</p>
<p>Now that you know what the Txt Starter Kit is, it is time to get started using Umbraco.</p>]]></bodyText>
<bodyText><![CDATA[<p>Ita prorsus, inquam; Hanc ergo intuens debet institutum illud quasi signum absolvere. Ergo adhuc, quantum equidem intellego, causa non videtur fuisse mutandi nominis. Quia dolori non voluptas contraria est, sed doloris privatio. Nos autem non solum beatae vitae istam esse oblectationem videmus, sed etiam levamentum miseriarum. Quodsi ipsam honestatem undique pertectam atque absolutam. Nos cum te, M. Quod vestri non item.</p>
<p>Cum id quoque, ut cupiebat, audivisset, evelli iussit eam, qua erat transfixus, hastam. Quarum ambarum rerum cum medicinam pollicetur, luxuriae licentiam pollicetur. Quid iudicant sensus? Quo tandem modo?</p>]]></bodyText>
<bodyText><![CDATA[<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Commoda autem et incommoda in eo genere sunt, quae praeposita et reiecta diximus; Bestiarum vero nullum iudicium puto. Est enim effectrix multarum et magnarum voluptatum. Duo Reges: constructio interrete. Claudii libidini, qui tum erat summo ne imperio, dederetur. Quarum ambarum rerum cum medicinam pollicetur, luxuriae licentiam pollicetur. Sed virtutem ipsam inchoavit, nihil amplius.</p>
<p>Ita redarguitur ipse a sese, convincunturque scripta eius probitate ipsius ac moribus. Istam voluptatem, inquit, Epicurus ignorat? Sed venio ad inconstantiae crimen, ne saepius dicas me aberrare; Sic, et quidem diligentius saepiusque ista loquemur inter nos agemusque communiter. Primum in nostrane potestate est, quid meminerimus? Consequens enim est et post oritur, ut dixi. Hoc mihi cum tuo fratre convenit. Immo videri fortasse. Itaque in rebus minime obscuris non multus est apud eos disserendi labor. Aliud igitur esse censet gaudere, aliud non dolere.</p>]]></bodyText>
<bodyText><![CDATA[<p><span>Ut aliquid scire se gaudeant? Hanc ergo intuens debet institutum illud quasi signum absolvere. Vestri haec verecundius, illi fortasse constantius. Itaque sensibus rationem adiunxit et ratione effecta sensus non reliquit. Sed ea mala virtuti magnitudine obruebantur. Quasi ego id curem, quid ille aiat aut neget. Verum tamen cum de rebus grandioribus dicas, ipsae res verba rapiunt; Apparet statim, quae sint officia, quae actiones.</span></p>
<p><span><span>Virtutibus igitur rectissime mihi videris et ad consuetudinem nostrae orationis vitia posuisse contraria. Nonne videmus quanta perturbatio rerum omnium consequatur, quanta confusio? Sed eum qui audiebant, quoad poterant, defendebant sententiam suam. Ut necesse sit omnium rerum, quae natura vigeant, similem esse finem, non eundem.</span></span></p>]]></bodyText>
<subheader><![CDATA[In all it's MVC Views goodness]]></subheader>
<bodyText><![CDATA[<p><span>Sed ad haec, nisi molestum est, habeo quae velim. Neque enim disputari sine reprehensione nec cum iracundia aut pertinacia recte disputari potest. Nec vero alia sunt quaerenda contra Carneadeam illam sententiam. Deinde disputat, quod cuiusque generis animantium statui deceat extremum. Facit igitur Lucius noster prudenter, qui audire de summo bono potissimum velit; Quis non odit sordidos, vanos, leves, futtiles?</span></p>
<p><span><span>Negat enim summo bono afferre incrementum diem. Haec mihi videtur delicatior, ut ita dicam, molliorque ratio, quam virtutis vis gravitasque postulat. Haec quo modo conveniant, non sane intellego. Quis enim confidit semper sibi illud stabile et firmum permansurum, quod fragile et caducum sit? Multoque hoc melius nos veriusque quam Stoici. Igitur neque stultorum quisquam beatus neque sapientium non beatus. De hominibus dici non necesse est. Non enim iam stirpis bonum quaeret, sed animalis. Nobis Heracleotes ille Dionysius flagitiose descivisse videtur a Stoicis propter oculorum dolorem. At, illa, ut vobis placet, partem quandam tuetur, reliquam deserit.</span></span></p>]]></bodyText>
I appreciate your patience and help. This is a test site so I will try to move content to another solution not to waist yours and my time :-) If you think this is a "one hit wonder" and there still is a possibility of I had made a mistake :-/
I agree - if it's an option to start out fresh then by all means do so.
But just wondering what could have triggered it...perhaps you could also try some final things before moving on.
1: Go to the /app_data/TEMP/ClientDependency folder and delete all the files
2: Go to /config/ClientDependency.config and increment the version number
3: Recycle the app pool
Does that work?
If not...try deleting the indexes from /app_data/TEMP/Examine as well - only delete the files, not the folders and then recycle.
If none of the above approaches work then start fresh :)
Did you find a solution to this? A client site running Umbraco 7 just did the same to us. Suddenly, it just throws the error "Root element is missing", not allowing us to even enter the Umbraco backend.
Doing the whole site all over is really the last resort. We need to get to the bottom of this.
The /config/applications.config had been wiped clean. In case you experience the "root element is missing" error, I'd recommend you to check the files in the /config folder and make sure they're not empty.
I do find it strange the files can go empty. Why would Umbraco empty any config file just like that? That has to be a bug!
Hmmm, my personal site has been down for a few days, just getting around to working on it and found this thread. It's hosted on an Azure website, was running fine, then wasn't.
The live site does this...:
Server Error in '/' Application.
Runtime Error
Description: An application error occurred on the server. ...
Can anyone offer a pointer? A reference how to go about troubleshooting a stack trace?
Ah, went through all the files in config and found the trees.config file was blank. Copied the contents from another site's backup copy and the local version is back running. Going to test this solution on the live site now....
Thanks Nicholas. I was hoping to jump straight into 7.2, as soon as it's ready. Since those Europeans won't be celebrating Thanksgiving or wasting time shopping on Black Friday, I assume they'll have all the rest of this week and weekend to finish it up.
What might the dangers be for pasting the contents of another trees.config into the emptied one? Didn't know it was being written to a lot. I've stopped and restarted the Azure website, seems to work fine. The site is pretty basic, would it matter if it was more complex?
Not really sure what the dangers are, but I think the applications.config and trees.config are in some way related to the sections (Content, Settings, Developer, etc.) and trees shown in those sections. I'm guessing the worst case would be that you might lose access to some of those sections/trees.
And yeah, hopefully they release 7.2 soon. I want to tinker with it myself.
Thanks Matthew - SO glad I found this post. I was chasing this for hours. So in my case the FileSystemProviders.config was wiped clean. I can't rule out 100% that it was me who did it, although why would I?
But in case this is still an issue out there, apparently it does effect the FileSystemProviders.config as well.
The symptoms in my case were the following ...for every image in the Media folder I would see a 500 error in the debugger.
For example:
I had this issue as well with the same symptom (trees.config empty). It turned out that the disk was full. Apparently Umbraco must write to trees.config during startup and if there's no space then it is empty.
We had the same issue in our project.
We found out that for some reason the application.config was empty.
Replacing the content from development fixes the issue for now.
There is a bug reported: http://issues.umbraco.org/issue/U4-5126
And upgrading to 7.1.9+ should fix the problem. Havent tested this yet AND not sure how to reproduce the issue.
Umbraco 7 (Root element is missing)
I am working on a Umbraco 7 project. Suddenly it crashes with error:
Only thing I have been working with is a new property editor in App_Plugins.
I am using Umbraco.sdf database.
Any Idears? Thanks
Server Error in '/' Application.
Root element is missing.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.Xml.XmlException: Root element is missing.
Source Error:
An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.
Stack Trace:
Hi Anders
Could it be your code that inflicts this error? Are you trying to read an XML file that is not well-formed perhaps?
What happens if you uncomment your code?
Hi Jan
Thanks for anwsering.
Yes It could be my code :-) But. Quit sure I have tried everything regarding my code. Tried to delete all folders + content inside App_Plugins. that schould do it right?
I am not trying to read any XML.
I am not able of getting Umbraco Backend. And not able of displaying site. Always this error.
Hi Anders
Hmm...that's odd.
Ok...ehm...do you have debug="true" set in the web.config? (There is only one place to do it)...and if you try using the console log while refreshing your browser window (I'm asuming you're using Chrome) does that help anything? It might be a cache issue...
However...if you go to the /app_data/umbraco.config file...does it then contain any XML?
Hi Jan
debug is set to true.
Chrome console log is giving a quick error. No chance to see it. Firefox gives: [HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error 1999ms]
My umbraco.config:
<!DOCTYPE root[<!ELEMENT FacebookTabEditor ANY>
<!ATTLIST FacebookTabEditor id ID #REQUIRED>
<!ELEMENT facebookMainDataType ANY>
<!ATTLIST facebookMainDataType id ID #REQUIRED>
<!ELEMENT facebookTabError ANY>
<!ATTLIST facebookTabError id ID #REQUIRED>
<!ELEMENT facebookTabKonkurencer ANY>
<!ATTLIST facebookTabKonkurencer id ID #REQUIRED>
<!ELEMENT FotoKonkurrence ANY>
<!ATTLIST FotoKonkurrence id ID #REQUIRED>
<!ELEMENT umbHomePage ANY>
<!ATTLIST umbHomePage id ID #REQUIRED>
<!ELEMENT umbMaster ANY>
<!ATTLIST umbMaster id ID #REQUIRED>
<!ELEMENT umbNewsItem ANY>
<!ATTLIST umbNewsItem id ID #REQUIRED>
<!ELEMENT umbNewsOverview ANY>
<!ATTLIST umbNewsOverview id ID #REQUIRED>
<!ELEMENT SimpelFacebookTab ANY>
<!ATTLIST SimpelFacebookTab id ID #REQUIRED>
<!ELEMENT umbTextPage ANY>
<!ATTLIST umbTextPage id ID #REQUIRED>
<root id="-1">
<umbHomePage id="1130" key="999a97ae-2063-4468-a954-dd4c399e7700" parentID="-1" level="1" creatorID="0" sortOrder="0" createDate="2014-04-29T22:35:12" updateDate="2014-04-29T22:41:41" nodeName="Home" urlName="home" path="-1,1130" isDoc="" nodeType="1118" creatorName="Anders" writerName="Anders" writerID="0" template="1113" nodeTypeAlias="umbHomePage">
<title><![CDATA[Txt: A responsive starter kit for Umbraco]]></title>
<bannerHeader><![CDATA[This is some text that needs to pop]]></bannerHeader>
<bannerSubheader><![CDATA[It will lead to a call-to-action, just click the button...]]></bannerSubheader>
<bannerLinkText><![CDATA[You know you want to click me]]></bannerLinkText>
<aboutTitle><![CDATA[What's this about?]]></aboutTitle>
<aboutText><![CDATA[<p>This is <a href="http://html5up.net/txt/">TXT</a>, a free site template designed by <a href="http://n33.co">n33</a> for <a href="http://html5up.net/">HTML5 UP</a>. It's built on the <a href="http://skeljs.org">skelJS</a> framework, uses well-thought out HTML5 and CSS3, and is fully responsive making it a great starting point for your own projects. And, like everything else we make, it's also free to use for pretty much any personal or commercial work under the <a href="http://html5up.net/license/">Creative Commons Attribution</a> license, so go ahead and use it – just don't forget to credit us!</p>]]></aboutText>
<siteName><![CDATA[Umbraco Txt]]></siteName>
<byline><![CDATA[A responsive starter kit for Umbraco]]></byline>
<umbTextPage id="1131" key="b11396bb-b165-4b16-8183-e886397c2d03" parentID="1130" level="2" creatorID="0" sortOrder="0" createDate="2014-04-29T22:35:12" updateDate="2014-04-29T22:39:52" nodeName="Getting Started" urlName="getting-started" path="-1,1130,1131" isDoc="" nodeType="1121" creatorName="Anders" writerName="Anders" writerID="0" template="1116" nodeTypeAlias="umbTextPage">
<bodyText><![CDATA[<p>You've installed Umbraco and the "Txt" Starter Kit.</p>
<p>Edit the text on the homepage and create a site structure by adding new texpages to your site. This is all done in the <strong>Content</strong> section.</p>
<p>If you find the editing options provided by the Txt site too limited for you needs, simply add more properties to the page by going to the <strong>Settings</strong> section, expanding the <strong>Document Types</strong> item and adding new properties on the <strong>Generic Properties</strong> tab. You can find more information about <a href="http://umbraco.org/help-and-support/video-tutorials/introduction-to-umbraco/sitebuilder-introduction/document-types" title="About Umbraco Document Types">document types and properties</a> at the <a href="http://umbraco.com" title="The Umbraco Website">Umbraco website</a>.</p>
<p>You'll probably want to personalize your site by changing the current design. This is also done in the <strong>Settings</strong> section, by editing the CSS styles and HTML templates. Umbraco uses master templates, so the main, common markup is placed in the <strong>Starterkit Master</strong> template, while the Homeage and Textpage have separate templates for their unique layouts. You can find more information about <a href="http://umbraco.org/help-and-support/video-tutorials/introduction-to-umbraco/sitebuilder-introduction/templates" title="Umbraco Templates and Stylesheets">templates and css</a> in umbraco at the umbraco website.</p>
<p>Once you're happy with your site's design, you might want to add more functionality, such as maps, image galleries or forms. This is done by <a href="http://umbraco.org/help-and-support/video-tutorials/getting-started" title="Umbraco Modules">installing Umbraco modules</a>.</p>]]></bodyText>
<umbTextPage id="1132" key="5d0809e7-5f38-4ec1-88f1-3a21dfa3780f" parentID="1130" level="2" creatorID="0" sortOrder="1" createDate="2014-04-29T22:35:12" updateDate="2014-04-29T22:39:52" nodeName="Go Further" urlName="go-further" path="-1,1130,1132" isDoc="" nodeType="1121" creatorName="Anders" writerName="Anders" writerID="0" template="1116" nodeTypeAlias="umbTextPage">
<bodyText><![CDATA[<p>The Txt Starter Kit only scratches the surface of what's possible with Umbraco. Below the Txt Starter Kit and its modules lies a great architecture that lets you implement whatever you need.</p>
<p>With Umbraco you've finally got a solid, open and reliable platform for websites as basic as the Txt site, and Umbraco can be rapidly expanded to support multi-language websites, collaboration platforms and intra/extranets, to name just a few.</p>
<p>Advanced functionality is created with Umbraco macros, built with Umbraco's award-winning .NET integration, including full support for any .NET User or Custom control and ASP.NET MVC. Create and integrate your own .NET macros in mere minutes with point and click simplicity. Simply copy your controls to the Umbraco website, go to the <strong>Developer</strong> section and create a new macro, selecting your control from the list.</p>
<p>You can also use <a href="http://umbraco.org/help-and-support/video-tutorials/getting-started/working-with-webmatrix" title="Working with Razor">Microsoft's Razor</a> syntax to quickly add dynamic functionality to your site.</p>
<p>We've also gathered the best community macros into a repository that's also accessed from the <strong>Developer</strong> section, in the <strong>Packages</strong> area. You can find more information <a href="http://umbraco.org/help-and-support/video-tutorials/introduction-to-umbraco/sitebuilder-introduction/what-are-macros" title="About creating Umbraco macros">about creating macros</a>, on the Umbraco website.</p>
<p>The sky is the limit with Umbraco, and you have the benefit a friendly community, training, and guaranteed support. Find out how to <a href="http://umbraco.org/help-and-support" title="Get Umbraco Support">get help</a>.</p>]]></bodyText>
<umbTextPage id="1133" key="8c484356-bfb9-44ed-b05c-0cdeb6f2cc40" parentID="1130" level="2" creatorID="0" sortOrder="2" createDate="2014-04-29T22:35:12" updateDate="2014-04-29T22:39:52" nodeName="Installing Modules" urlName="installing-modules" path="-1,1130,1133" isDoc="" nodeType="1121" creatorName="Anders" writerName="Anders" writerID="0" template="1116" nodeTypeAlias="umbTextPage">
<bodyText><![CDATA[<p>Umbraco modules encapsulate specific bits of advanced functionality that are easily added to your website.</p>
<p>Once installed, Umbraco modules are open source and easy to customize if you want to modify the behavior for your specific needs.</p>
<p>Because Umbraco modules are provided under the MIT license you are free to use and modify them any way you want, with no strings attached.</p>
<p>To add Umbraco modules to your website, go to the <strong>Settings</strong> section, expand the <strong>Templates</strong> item, select the <strong>Starterkit Master</strong> template, then click the <strong>Customize Skin</strong> button on the toolbar.</p>
<p>Umbraco modules are available for various kinds of navigation, a sitemap, social media feeds, and a contact form. The list of available Umbraco modules is growing rapidly and is automatically updated from a central source, always fresh and current.</p>
<p><a href="http://umbraco.org/get-started" title="Get Started with Umbraco">Get more information</a> about the umbraco way.</p>]]></bodyText>
<umbTextPage id="1134" key="a41d3939-2dbf-4bca-ad96-33f265caf89c" parentID="1130" level="2" creatorID="0" sortOrder="3" createDate="2014-04-29T22:35:12" updateDate="2014-04-29T22:39:52" nodeName="About" urlName="about" path="-1,1130,1134" isDoc="" nodeType="1121" creatorName="Anders" writerName="Anders" writerID="0" template="1116" nodeTypeAlias="umbTextPage">
<bodyText><![CDATA[<p>The Txt Starter Kit gives you a small website that introduces you to a set of well-defined conventions for building an Umbraco website.</p>
<p>Now that you know what the Txt Starter Kit is, it is time to get started using Umbraco.</p>]]></bodyText>
<umbNewsOverview id="1135" key="760988f3-ccd6-4e75-85b0-7bbe6289df31" parentID="1130" level="2" creatorID="0" sortOrder="4" createDate="2014-04-29T22:35:12" updateDate="2014-04-29T22:39:52" nodeName="News" urlName="news" path="-1,1130,1135" isDoc="" nodeType="1120" creatorName="Anders" writerName="Anders" writerID="0" template="1115" nodeTypeAlias="umbNewsOverview">
<title><![CDATA[Adventure log]]></title>
<umbNewsItem id="1136" key="af44ec1c-ddeb-4f65-afe3-bc5e7ee347ca" parentID="1135" level="3" creatorID="0" sortOrder="0" createDate="2014-04-29T22:35:12" updateDate="2014-04-29T22:39:52" nodeName="The 10 remarkable features of object" urlName="the-10-remarkable-features-of-object" path="-1,1130,1135,1136" isDoc="" nodeType="1119" creatorName="Anders" writerName="Anders" writerID="0" template="1114" nodeTypeAlias="umbNewsItem">
<bodyText><![CDATA[<p>Ita prorsus, inquam; Hanc ergo intuens debet institutum illud quasi signum absolvere. Ergo adhuc, quantum equidem intellego, causa non videtur fuisse mutandi nominis. Quia dolori non voluptas contraria est, sed doloris privatio. Nos autem non solum beatae vitae istam esse oblectationem videmus, sed etiam levamentum miseriarum. Quodsi ipsam honestatem undique pertectam atque absolutam. Nos cum te, M. Quod vestri non item.</p>
<p>Cum id quoque, ut cupiebat, audivisset, evelli iussit eam, qua erat transfixus, hastam. Quarum ambarum rerum cum medicinam pollicetur, luxuriae licentiam pollicetur. Quid iudicant sensus? Quo tandem modo?</p>]]></bodyText>
<umbNewsItem id="1137" key="d9bbed4f-552f-4778-b480-a57ec35459d7" parentID="1135" level="3" creatorID="0" sortOrder="1" createDate="2014-04-29T22:35:12" updateDate="2014-04-29T22:39:52" nodeName="This is a wonderful news item" urlName="this-is-a-wonderful-news-item" path="-1,1130,1135,1137" isDoc="" nodeType="1119" creatorName="Anders" writerName="Anders" writerID="0" template="1114" nodeTypeAlias="umbNewsItem">
<bodyText><![CDATA[<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Commoda autem et incommoda in eo genere sunt, quae praeposita et reiecta diximus; Bestiarum vero nullum iudicium puto. Est enim effectrix multarum et magnarum voluptatum. Duo Reges: constructio interrete. Claudii libidini, qui tum erat summo ne imperio, dederetur. Quarum ambarum rerum cum medicinam pollicetur, luxuriae licentiam pollicetur. Sed virtutem ipsam inchoavit, nihil amplius.</p>
<p>Ita redarguitur ipse a sese, convincunturque scripta eius probitate ipsius ac moribus. Istam voluptatem, inquit, Epicurus ignorat? Sed venio ad inconstantiae crimen, ne saepius dicas me aberrare; Sic, et quidem diligentius saepiusque ista loquemur inter nos agemusque communiter. Primum in nostrane potestate est, quid meminerimus? Consequens enim est et post oritur, ut dixi. Hoc mihi cum tuo fratre convenit. Immo videri fortasse. Itaque in rebus minime obscuris non multus est apud eos disserendi labor. Aliud igitur esse censet gaudere, aliud non dolere.</p>]]></bodyText>
<umbNewsItem id="1138" key="63846e99-c1f8-4253-b822-c4d86ab18c12" parentID="1135" level="3" creatorID="0" sortOrder="2" createDate="2014-04-29T22:35:12" updateDate="2014-04-29T22:39:52" nodeName="You really need to read this!" urlName="you-really-need-to-read-this" path="-1,1130,1135,1138" isDoc="" nodeType="1119" creatorName="Anders" writerName="Anders" writerID="0" template="1114" nodeTypeAlias="umbNewsItem">
<bodyText><![CDATA[<p><span>Ut aliquid scire se gaudeant? Hanc ergo intuens debet institutum illud quasi signum absolvere. Vestri haec verecundius, illi fortasse constantius. Itaque sensibus rationem adiunxit et ratione effecta sensus non reliquit. Sed ea mala virtuti magnitudine obruebantur. Quasi ego id curem, quid ille aiat aut neget. Verum tamen cum de rebus grandioribus dicas, ipsae res verba rapiunt; Apparet statim, quae sint officia, quae actiones.</span></p>
<p><span><span>Virtutibus igitur rectissime mihi videris et ad consuetudinem nostrae orationis vitia posuisse contraria. Nonne videmus quanta perturbatio rerum omnium consequatur, quanta confusio? Sed eum qui audiebant, quoad poterant, defendebant sententiam suam. Ut necesse sit omnium rerum, quae natura vigeant, similem esse finem, non eundem.</span></span></p>]]></bodyText>
<umbNewsItem id="1139" key="a99a202b-3da5-409c-b83a-3878130a8f99" parentID="1135" level="3" creatorID="0" sortOrder="3" createDate="2014-04-29T22:35:12" updateDate="2014-04-29T22:39:52" nodeName="Txt Starter Kit For Umbraco Released" urlName="txt-starter-kit-for-umbraco-released" path="-1,1130,1135,1139" isDoc="" nodeType="1119" creatorName="Anders" writerName="Anders" writerID="0" template="1114" nodeTypeAlias="umbNewsItem">
<subheader><![CDATA[In all it's MVC Views goodness]]></subheader>
<bodyText><![CDATA[<p><span>Sed ad haec, nisi molestum est, habeo quae velim. Neque enim disputari sine reprehensione nec cum iracundia aut pertinacia recte disputari potest. Nec vero alia sunt quaerenda contra Carneadeam illam sententiam. Deinde disputat, quod cuiusque generis animantium statui deceat extremum. Facit igitur Lucius noster prudenter, qui audire de summo bono potissimum velit; Quis non odit sordidos, vanos, leves, futtiles?</span></p>
<p><span><span>Negat enim summo bono afferre incrementum diem. Haec mihi videtur delicatior, ut ita dicam, molliorque ratio, quam virtutis vis gravitasque postulat. Haec quo modo conveniant, non sane intellego. Quis enim confidit semper sibi illud stabile et firmum permansurum, quod fragile et caducum sit? Multoque hoc melius nos veriusque quam Stoici. Igitur neque stultorum quisquam beatus neque sapientium non beatus. De hominibus dici non necesse est. Non enim iam stirpis bonum quaeret, sed animalis. Nobis Heracleotes ille Dionysius flagitiose descivisse videtur a Stoicis propter oculorum dolorem. At, illa, ut vobis placet, partem quandam tuetur, reliquam deserit.</span></span></p>]]></bodyText>
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<facebookMainDataType id="1086" key="3eb25f45-be5e-4139-80e0-baff4b3f9197" parentID="-1" level="1" creatorID="0" sortOrder="2" createDate="2014-04-24T21:34:49" updateDate="2014-04-29T22:41:41" nodeName="(YapJum) Facebook Administration" urlName="yapjum-facebook-administration" path="-1,1086" isDoc="" nodeType="1083" creatorName="Anders" writerName="Anders" writerID="0" template="0" nodeTypeAlias="facebookMainDataType">
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<facebookTabError id="1096" key="4f44df19-330c-4694-88fd-3d6611dc272e" parentID="-1" level="1" creatorID="0" sortOrder="3" createDate="2014-04-24T23:33:38" updateDate="2014-04-29T22:41:41" nodeName="Tab Error" urlName="tab-error" path="-1,1096" isDoc="" nodeType="1095" creatorName="Anders" writerName="Anders" writerID="0" template="1094" nodeTypeAlias="facebookTabError" />
<FacebookTabEditor id="1147" key="570ec12f-cd2b-456a-b8b1-1c05cf4b2ba0" parentID="-1" level="1" creatorID="0" sortOrder="4" createDate="2014-04-30T11:46:53" updateDate="2014-05-03T22:36:47" nodeName="FacebookTabEditorTest" urlName="facebooktabeditortest" path="-1,1147" isDoc="" nodeType="1146" creatorName="Anders" writerName="Anders" writerID="0" template="1145" nodeTypeAlias="FacebookTabEditor">
<editFacebookTab><![CDATA[<p>bombom. Det virker fandme...</p>]]></editFacebookTab>
Hi Anders
That's really weird - Have you checked the /app_data/logs file to see if it reveals some more information? Are there any entries tagged with error?
Hi Jan
This error occurs on UmbracoTraceLog:
2014-05-07 11:57:55,652 [49] ERROR Umbraco.Core.UmbracoApplicationBase - [Thread 51] An unhandled exception occurred
2014-05-07 13:59:25,023 [7] ERROR Umbraco.Core.UmbracoApplicationBase - [Thread 1] An unhandled exception occurred
2014-05-07 13:59:25,023 [7] ERROR Umbraco.Core.UmbracoApplicationBase - [Thread 1] An unhandled exception occurred
I appreciate your patience and help. This is a test site so I will try to move content to another solution not to waist yours and my time :-) If you think this is a "one hit wonder" and there still is a possibility of I had made a mistake :-/
Hi Anders
I agree - if it's an option to start out fresh then by all means do so.
But just wondering what could have triggered it...perhaps you could also try some final things before moving on.
1: Go to the /app_data/TEMP/ClientDependency folder and delete all the files 2: Go to /config/ClientDependency.config and increment the version number 3: Recycle the app pool
Does that work?
If not...try deleting the indexes from /app_data/TEMP/Examine as well - only delete the files, not the folders and then recycle.
If none of the above approaches work then start fresh :)
Hi Jan
your fixes didn't help me out.
Thanks for helping me out.
When you say: recycle app pool you mean: touch web.config and rebuild solution. Right?
And a last question.
Is there any chance using Umbraco.sdf database will effect this issue. You think?
Hi Anders
You're welcome - It bothers me we can't figure this one out though :)
Yup, touching the web.config, rebuilding the solution or simply recycling the app pool on the server (IIS).
I'm not sure but perhaps - there is a weird issue that the database sometimes does not save changes when using iisexpress with ce sql.
Hope this helps.
Hello Jan and Anders
Did you find a solution to this? A client site running Umbraco 7 just did the same to us. Suddenly, it just throws the error "Root element is missing", not allowing us to even enter the Umbraco backend.
Doing the whole site all over is really the last resort. We need to get to the bottom of this.
I hope you can help.
Kind regards
All right, we found the problem.
The /config/applications.config had been wiped clean. In case you experience the "root element is missing" error, I'd recommend you to check the files in the /config folder and make sure they're not empty.
I do find it strange the files can go empty. Why would Umbraco empty any config file just like that? That has to be a bug!
/ Joel
This error just occured for us, causing our site to go down and also the umbraco backend.
What happened was the applications.config suddenly was empty like Joel mentioned. Someone had been entering content into the backend at the time.
This is quite a serious bug, please fix it.
Hmmm, my personal site has been down for a few days, just getting around to working on it and found this thread. It's hosted on an Azure website, was running fine, then wasn't.
The live site does this...:
Can anyone offer a pointer? A reference how to go about troubleshooting a stack trace?
Thanks much.
Ah, went through all the files in config and found the trees.config file was blank. Copied the contents from another site's backup copy and the local version is back running. Going to test this solution on the live site now....
Yep, worked, actually using the contents of a trees.config from a 7.2 beta install (just for curiosity, didn't compare first, should prolly do that).
Thanks Joel
FYI, the issue with applications.config and trees.config being emptied should be fixed soon (in Umbraco 7.1.9): http://issues.umbraco.org/issue/U4-5126
Thanks Nicholas. I was hoping to jump straight into 7.2, as soon as it's ready. Since those Europeans won't be celebrating Thanksgiving or wasting time shopping on Black Friday, I assume they'll have all the rest of this week and weekend to finish it up.
What might the dangers be for pasting the contents of another trees.config into the emptied one? Didn't know it was being written to a lot. I've stopped and restarted the Azure website, seems to work fine. The site is pretty basic, would it matter if it was more complex?
Not really sure what the dangers are, but I think the applications.config and trees.config are in some way related to the sections (Content, Settings, Developer, etc.) and trees shown in those sections. I'm guessing the worst case would be that you might lose access to some of those sections/trees.
And yeah, hopefully they release 7.2 soon. I want to tinker with it myself.
Thanks Matthew - SO glad I found this post. I was chasing this for hours. So in my case the FileSystemProviders.config was wiped clean. I can't rule out 100% that it was me who did it, although why would I?
But in case this is still an issue out there, apparently it does effect the FileSystemProviders.config as well.
The symptoms in my case were the following ...for every image in the Media folder I would see a 500 error in the debugger.
For example:
The website itself could render the images just fine, but the media folder just had placeholders where the images would normally be.
Thanks again to this awesome community for helping me with something I would have surely spent days trying to find.
I had this issue as well with the same symptom (trees.config empty). It turned out that the disk was full. Apparently Umbraco must write to trees.config during startup and if there's no space then it is empty.
Had the same problem after a rogue app gobbled all my server disc space up.
Turn out to be an empty config file. Replaced it, problems fixed.
It was the trees config file.
Thanks for tips guys, got me out of a hole.
It actually killed two of my sites, both the same config file.
We had the same issue in our project. We found out that for some reason the application.config was empty. Replacing the content from development fixes the issue for now.
There is a bug reported: http://issues.umbraco.org/issue/U4-5126 And upgrading to 7.1.9+ should fix the problem. Havent tested this yet AND not sure how to reproduce the issue.
is working on a reply...
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