I've got a problem connection to my database. At least I think I do. There was an error in our database so we set up a new virtual server and gave it the same address. The connectionstring should be the same but when I open the project I get the Umbraco page telling me "Looks like there's still work to do".
In the log I get errors saying that certain tables doesn't exist, but they do. And the connection string should be the same. Is there a cache of it that I'm not aware of?
Database problem
I've got a problem connection to my database. At least I think I do. There was an error in our database so we set up a new virtual server and gave it the same address. The connectionstring should be the same but when I open the project I get the Umbraco page telling me "Looks like there's still work to do".
Any idea what's happened here?
In the log I get errors saying that certain tables doesn't exist, but they do. And the connection string should be the same. Is there a cache of it that I'm not aware of?
Right click on the root node and select republish entire site.
That will refresh the cache.
Problem solved. Forgot a setting on the database server.
is working on a reply...