I can't get to one of my properties in the Razor markup. I've added the this piece of code in code behind:
var childPages = CurrentPage.Children.OrderByDescending(x => x.CreateDate);
ViewBag.Threads = childPages;
I can do a foreach on these in markup and get to all the common properties like Name, Id, CreateDate, etc. but when I try to get one of my custom properties the closest I get is @thread.GetProperty("owner").ToString() wich gives me Umbraco.Web.PublishedCache.XmlPublishedCache.XmlPublishedProperty but I can't get the value. How do I do this?
Can't get to property in Razor markup
I can't get to one of my properties in the Razor markup. I've added the this piece of code in code behind:
I can do a foreach on these in markup and get to all the common properties like Name, Id, CreateDate, etc. but when I try to get one of my custom properties the closest I get is @thread.GetProperty("owner").ToString() wich gives me Umbraco.Web.PublishedCache.XmlPublishedCache.XmlPublishedProperty but I can't get the value. How do I do this?
It code behind the code below works great but in Razor it crashes and says that there's no definition for Value.
The value might not be set. You can check it with:
.HasProperty(string propertyAlias) - Returns a boolean value representing if the DynamicNode has a property with the specified alias.
.HasValue(string propertyAlias) - Retruns a boolean value representing if the DynamicNode property has had a value set.
It's set. I know so.
If I do this I get it:
umbraco.NodeFactory.Node node = new umbraco.NodeFactory.Node(thread.Id);
Isn't it just @thread.Owner ?
is working on a reply...