Importing Legacy BlogPosts From BlogEngine To Umbraco
Hi All,
During our research for importing blog posts from BlogEngine.Net To Umbraco we have find that we could CMSImport, but got not much information about how to use CMSImport utility for importing.
Can any one please let us know the exact steps we should follow for importing legacy blogposts from BlogEngine database to Umbraco database?
Importing Legacy BlogPosts From BlogEngine To Umbraco
Hi All,
During our research for importing blog posts from BlogEngine.Net To Umbraco we have find that we could CMSImport, but got not much information about how to use CMSImport utility for importing.
Can any one please let us know the exact steps we should follow for importing legacy blogposts from BlogEngine database to Umbraco database?
Tarunjit Singh
is working on a reply...