Changing location of data stored in Custom Property Editor
I have followed some other peoples examples to create a multidate/time picker custom property editor for my project. However the data is getting stored in a fixed size column in the cmsPropertyData table - the dataNVarchar column. I would like to store the data in the "less limited" column, the dataNtext column.
Now I am pretty new to Angular - which is the foundation of the custom property editor - but what I can see is that I am referencing "model.value" to retrieve and store the data. Is there documentation on this "model" object so that I can see what other properties I can reference ?
Changing location of data stored in Custom Property Editor
I have followed some other peoples examples to create a multidate/time picker custom property editor for my project. However the data is getting stored in a fixed size column in the cmsPropertyData table - the dataNVarchar column. I would like to store the data in the "less limited" column, the dataNtext column.
Now I am pretty new to Angular - which is the foundation of the custom property editor - but what I can see is that I am referencing "model.value" to retrieve and store the data. Is there documentation on this "model" object so that I can see what other properties I can reference ?
Hi Russell
I found the following in the manifest documentation on github:
In the editor section of the manifest you can specify the type like this:
Default db datatype is nvarchar if you don't specify another valueType.
/ Allan
Allan, thanks very much for pointing me over there... very helpful.
No problem, Russell. Happy to help. :-)
is working on a reply...