Datepicker & dropdown showing "TEXTBOX" on webpage when published the content
For creating new member / user (Sign Up) from my web site, i have used "RegisterMember" snippet in "Partial View Macro" and added the macro in my template.
In the "Members", i have added two properties "Birthdate with DatePicker and Gender with dropdown" and also select "Member can edit" check box for this two newly added fields.
Now i have published the content and It's appear on my page. But "Birthdate" is display with "TEXTBOX" not with Date picker where user select the date. Same way for "Gender" is also display with "TEXTBOX" it's not showing "Dropdown".
If i create a new member form UMBRACO backend "Members -> Create" then it's allow to select the date from Date picker and Gender (Male / Female) from dropdown. But when try to create member from web page then not working.
Datepicker & dropdown showing "TEXTBOX" on webpage when published the content
For creating new member / user (Sign Up) from my web site, i have used "RegisterMember" snippet in "Partial View Macro" and added the macro in my template.
Now as per this forum post and guidence (
In the "Members", i have added two properties "Birthdate with DatePicker and Gender with dropdown" and also select "Member can edit" check box for this two newly added fields.
Now i have published the content and It's appear on my page. But "Birthdate" is display with "TEXTBOX" not with Date picker where user select the date. Same way for "Gender" is also display with "TEXTBOX" it's not showing "Dropdown".
If i create a new member form UMBRACO backend "Members -> Create" then it's allow to select the date from Date picker and Gender (Male / Female) from dropdown. But when try to create member from web page then not working.
how to achieve this ?
Can you please help here ?
Rohan Dave
is working on a reply...