I would like to change the default sort order of the ListView grid to use "SortOrder" instead of "UpdateDate". In the ListViewController I found what I think is the responsible code - it was set to use UpdateDate DESC and I have changed it to SortOrder ASC - however I see no change in the rendered grid. I did clear cache and stop/start the site just to be sure, but no difference.
so in Umbraco.Controllers.js at line 4545 I changed
orderBy: 'UpdateDate',
orderDirection: "desc"
was changed to
orderBy: 'SortOrder',
orderDirection: "asc"
Did I change the correct code? Any ideas or pointers would be appreciated.
Sort Order on ListView
Hi Everyone,
I would like to change the default sort order of the ListView grid to use "SortOrder" instead of "UpdateDate". In the ListViewController I found what I think is the responsible code - it was set to use UpdateDate DESC and I have changed it to SortOrder ASC - however I see no change in the rendered grid. I did clear cache and stop/start the site just to be sure, but no difference.
so in Umbraco.Controllers.js at line 4545 I changed
was changed to
Did I change the correct code? Any ideas or pointers would be appreciated.
Thanks -Roger
Hi Roger,
Empty the ClientDependency folder on your umbrage installation or place your site in debug mode.
Yep - that did it. Thanks!
is working on a reply...