and i want whatever i will insert into this heading and text field it should be renderd like a tabed content (i have attached screenshot of that in my last comment)
The above lines does that you can pick the "youtube" when selecting a grid widget.
The folder that "view" references, would be where i have my view and controller for the grid item aswell.
inside my "/CodeMonkey.Youtube" folder i have 4 files :
Package.manifest (manifest file) youtube.cshtml (view used to render for the user) youtube.html (view used to render in the grid in the backend) youtubeController.js (the controller that handles saving and loading the data.)
Need some help , i am able to create multiple rows in this grid editor but not able to save data for , i mean when i click on save and publish data seems to be lost and table with one blank rows is being shown
When i save (ChangeContent method) it shows and object of array with the values i filled from Table rows,
and when i load it says tabelsData doesnt Exist"
what you mean by "Also your still not adding anything in your data, heading and content are still empty" i am pushing empty string into content and Header because i want these values be filled from UI (textBoxes)
i can not mark it as an answer because this thread is not started by me , but yes i have voted up your answer which can help others to tackle situation like this :) . and i will post my complete code here once completed for other people
$scope.RemoveRow = function (id) { var index = -1; var comArr = eval($scope.control.tabelsData); for (var i = 0; i < comArr.length; i++) { if (comArr[i].id === id) { index = i; break; } } if (index === -1) { alert("Something gone wrong"); } $scope.control.tabelsData.splice(index, 1); $scope.ChangeContent(); };
and finally renderer
@inherits Umbraco.Web.Mvc.UmbracoViewPage<dynamic> @{ var hv = Model; var tabData = hv["tabData"]; bool fisrttab = true; } <div class="bs-docs-example"> <ul id="myTab" class="nav nav-tabs"> @foreach (var row in tabData) {
Building custom grid editors
Yo :)
Im doing a small demo presentation for a client, and they some special requests, so i wanted to try and build a small prototype.
So what i want to do is building a custom editor for the new grid.
I have added a new editor to the config/grid-editors...
I have added a new propertyeditor html file in the umbraco/view/... folder.
So what i want is to add a dropdown above a RTE field, but im having a hard time to figure out how, anyone who got a pointer for me ?
Hi Rasmus,
A good staring point is the Umbraco source.
If you look at the umbraco source code you can find it in
This will give you a good idea on how to create your own angular based editor
You will also need to add your editor to the grid config found in : /config/grid.editors.config.js
And next you need to create a MVC view for rendering your grid. Examples can be found in the folder /Views/Partials/Grid/Editors
Thanks Dave.
So far so good, think you got me one the right track and Ill try to take it from there.
You will be amazed by the power and the flexibility of the grid once you get the hang of it.
I got it working ! :D
but found a "wall" that i dunno how to get over.
Inside my property editor(lets call it coloredbox) i have 2 property editors.
A dropdown where you pick a color and a textbox.
But the issue is that im using the "control.value" as a model, but they are being used on both properties inside one big property.
So just to dump some code i have the following :
I don't see why you need 2 controllers to start with.
You can extend the control.value property of your scope like you want.
In your case you would have something linke
and control.value.text
Well since i dont know much on how the angular world works this was how i thought it should be done.
So your saying that i can just extend it ! LOVELY :)
Will try it, thx dave for learning an angular noob some tricks.
I still consider my self a angular noob. Only thing I used angular for is extending the Umbraco Backend. I love the power of this technology.
Hey guys,
can you please give an example of how to create renderer view for the above grid editor by Rasmus?
Thanks in advance
Yo Yogesh
What is it you wanna do, that might be easier to understand for me :)
And yea i can probably give you an example code.
Hi Rasmus,
I need to create a grid editor by which i can set "Tab heading" and "Tab Content (text only)" , and this should be rendered like bellow screeshot
is it clear what i want now?
So what you want to build is a "tab" like widget to be used inside the grid ?
this is how i have created my grid editor
and i want whatever i will insert into this heading and text field it should be renderd like a tabed content (i have attached screenshot of that in my last comment)
is it clear now?
Hi Yogesh,
You can do one thing.
Take grid with Heading and Content only.
Then make news rows as per the tabs. Means 1 tab = 1 row.
Then you can set html from the view by getting row of grid.
This will be easy for you to achieve this kind of functionality.
Hope this will help you.
Urvish Mandaliya
Arh okay yeah i think i get it now, either way i would do like this:
My example is on how to create a custom "youtube" item.
First of all i would start by going into /config/grid.editors.config.js and add the following :
The above lines does that you can pick the "youtube" when selecting a grid widget.
The folder that "view" references, would be where i have my view and controller for the grid item aswell.
inside my "/CodeMonkey.Youtube" folder i have 4 files :
Package.manifest (manifest file)
youtube.cshtml (view used to render for the user)
youtube.html (view used to render in the grid in the backend)
youtubeController.js (the controller that handles saving and loading the data.)
That is a full example on how to build a small grid widget.
@Urvish-Yes this is exctly what i am planning :)
@Rushmus-Thanks this is what i was looking for (a complete example)
After successful implementation , you could put your code here.
So that others can get idea about such kind of functionality. :)
Awesome Yogesh :)
The example above is in production and runs great, shout if something dosnt work for you.
The good part with that example is that im saving multiple values and such.
@Urvish - For sure :)
@Rasmus - Exctly, i was looking for same example it made my way smoother :)
Hey guys,
Need some help , i am able to create multiple rows in this grid editor but not able to save data for , i mean when i click on save and publish data seems to be lost and table with one blank rows is being shown
bellow is my code
<div ng-controller="Grid.ParagraphGroupController"><table class="table">
<tr ng-repeat="tabData in tabelsData">
<input ng-show="true" ng-model="tabData.header" type="text" />
<textarea ng-show="true" ng-model="tabData.content"> </textarea>
<tr class="lastRow">
<td> <button class="btn btn-default" type="button" ng-click="AddRow()">+</button></td>
</div> js controller angular.module("umbraco").controller("Grid.ParagraphGroupController", function ($scope) {
$ = 1;
$scope.tabelsData = [
{ 'heading': '', 'content': '', 'id': $ }
$scope.AddRow = function () {
$scope.tabelsData.push({ 'heading': '', 'content': '', id: $ });
}); any thing what i am doing wrong here? regardsYogesh
Remember in your view that you input for the heading is called: tabData.heading not tabData.header.
but in your function to add the data to your json your not saving any data
$scope.tabelsData.push({ 'heading': 'some data here', 'content': ' and here', id: $ });
Also on load your overwriting the data :
$scope.tabelsData = [
{ 'heading': '', 'content': '', 'id': $ }
ok my bad , one more question how can i setup a condition on load by which data can be prevented from overwrite?
No biggy man !
Ive not tested it but i would use the "in" operator :
Try something like this :
Hey Rusmus,
here is my js
angular.module("umbraco").controller("Grid.ParagraphGroupController", function ($scope) {
if ("tabelsData" in $scope) {
console.log("tabelsData Exist");
var tableOldData = $scope.tabData;
$scope.tabelsData = tableOldData;
else {
console.log("tabelsData doesnt Exist");
$ = 1;
$scope.tabelsData = [
{ 'heading': '', 'content': '', 'id': $ }
$scope.ChangeContent = function ()
$scope.tabData = $scope.tabelsData;
console.log("savedData", $scope.tabData);
$scope.AddRow = function () {
$scope.tabelsData.push({ 'heading': '', 'content': '', id: $ });
and here is the HTML
<div ng-controller="Grid.ParagraphGroupController">
<table class="table">
<tr ng-repeat="rowData in tabelsData">
<input ng-show="true" ng-model="rowData.heading" type="text" />
<textarea ng-show="true" ng-model="rowData.content"></textarea>
<tr class="lastRow">
<td> <button class="btn btn-default" type="button" ng-click="AddRow()">+</button></td>
<td><button class="btn btn-default" type="button" ng-click="ChangeContent()">Check</button></td>
its still not working , is anything left which i should give a try?
yeah :)
What comes out when you save in the console, and when you load ?
Also your still not adding anything in your data, heading and content are still empty. But you should atleast get the right amount of rows saved.
When i save (ChangeContent method) it shows and object of array with the values i filled from Table rows,
and when i load it says tabelsData doesnt Exist"
what you mean by "Also your still not adding anything in your data, heading and content are still empty" i am pushing empty string into content and Header because i want these values be filled from UI (textBoxes)
Think i got it now
In your first line your asking something like :
if ("tabelsData" in $scope) {
But isnt it tabData we should look for ?
i tried with tabData too but it is still same :(
I got one thing you can try, i normally add data not directly $scope i always add it to $scope.control.something so i do like this :
I do it because the other wouldnt work to good for me either
Hey Rasmus,
That worked :)
dont know why .
one more question how can i access values of "tabData " in my renderer view?
yeah you sure can just do it like this :
<tr ng-repeat="rowData in control.tabData">
Good to know it worked :) remember to mark as answer so others can use it :)
Hey Rasmus,
i can not mark it as an answer because this thread is not started by me , but yes i have voted up your answer which can help others to tackle situation like this :) . and i will post my complete code here once completed for other people
Here is the working code
<div ng-controller="Grid.myController">
<table class="table">
<tr ng-repeat="rowData in control.tabelsData">
<input ng-show="true" ng-change="ChangeContent()" ng-model="rowData.heading" type="text" />
<textarea ng-show="true" ng-change="ChangeContent()" ng-model="rowData.content"></textarea>
<button class="btn btn-default-red" type="button" ng-click="RemoveRow(">-</button>
<tr class="lastRow">
<td> <button class="btn btn-default" type="button" ng-click="AddRow()">+</button></td>
Js controller
angular.module("umbraco").controller("Grid.myController", function ($scope) {
if (("tabData" in $scope.control)) {
var tableOldData = $scope.control.tabData;
$scope.control.tabelsData = tableOldData;
else {
$ = 1;
$scope.control.tabelsData = [
{ 'heading': '', 'content': '', 'id': $ }
$scope.ChangeContent = function ()
var tabelData = $scope.control.tabelsData;
$scope.control.tabData = tabelData;
console.log("tableData", $scope.control.tabelsData);
$scope.AddRow = function () {
$scope.control.tabelsData.push({ 'heading': '', 'content': '', id: $ });
$scope.RemoveRow = function (id) {
var index = -1;
var comArr = eval($scope.control.tabelsData);
for (var i = 0; i < comArr.length; i++) {
if (comArr[i].id === id) {
index = i;
if (index === -1) {
alert("Something gone wrong");
$scope.control.tabelsData.splice(index, 1);
and finally renderer
@inherits Umbraco.Web.Mvc.UmbracoViewPage<dynamic>
var hv = Model;
var tabData = hv["tabData"];
bool fisrttab = true;
<div class="bs-docs-example">
<ul id="myTab" class="nav nav-tabs">
@foreach (var row in tabData)
if (fisrttab)
<li class="active"><a href="" data-toggle="tab">@row.heading</a></li>
fisrttab = false;
<li><a href="" data-toggle="tab">@row.heading</a></li>
fisrttab = true;
<div id="myTabContent" class="tab-content">
@foreach (var row in tabData)
if (fisrttab)
<div class="tab-pane fade in active" id="">
fisrttab = false;
<div class="tab-pane fade" id="">
Cheers! :)
That is just awesome :)
Hey Rasmus,
Now i am creating a new grid editor with a slighter change in functionality - now i want to upload Image in place of content in this grid editor but is doesnt seems to be work , i have created a new thread regarding it you can follow it up here
i followed it up already ;)
is working on a reply...