Backend rich table (data grid) suggestion KendoUI Grid seems to be incompatible
I'm trying to use the KendoUI grid with its angular bindings. Their sample runs on Angular 1.2.16 (which seems to be the lowest compatible version). But Umbraco 7.18 still has 1.1.5. I read that v 1.3 is coming in Umbraco 7.5 - which is pretty far away I guess - so to not be stuck with a lot of headache I will likely need to change to another grid.
Has anyone else has gotten KendoUI stuff work in the backend? Or any other grid / table with a little bit of rich ui ness (filtering and column reordering for example).
it does work if I load it without angular bindings - now thinking about possible problems using it that way - besides having to deal with the bindings "manually"
at new module.factory.create.controller (http://localhost:51773/kendoui/js/kendo.angular.js:203:21)
The kendo call looks like this (error on the $transclude call)
return {
// Parse the directive for attributes and classes
restrict: "AC",
require: [ "?ngModel", "^?form" ],
scope: false,
transclude: true,
controller: [ '$scope', '$attrs', '$element', '$transclude', function($scope, $attrs, $element, $transclude) {
// Make the element's contents available to the kendo widget to allow creating some widgets from existing elements.
$transclude($scope, function(clone){
All the parameters($scope, $attrs, $element, $transclude) have values. And it does not seem to be a missing module issue since the code gets this far. I did add the kendo directives using app.requires.push('kendo.directives').
Backend rich table (data grid) suggestion KendoUI Grid seems to be incompatible
I'm trying to use the KendoUI grid with its angular bindings. Their sample runs on Angular 1.2.16 (which seems to be the lowest compatible version). But Umbraco 7.18 still has 1.1.5. I read that v 1.3 is coming in Umbraco 7.5 - which is pretty far away I guess - so to not be stuck with a lot of headache I will likely need to change to another grid.
Has anyone else has gotten KendoUI stuff work in the backend? Or any other grid / table with a little bit of rich ui ness (filtering and column reordering for example).
it does work if I load it without angular bindings - now thinking about possible problems using it that way - besides having to deal with the bindings "manually"
Just for ref ( and if someone likes to dig further ) the stack trace is
TypeError: object is not a function
at http://localhost:51773/umbraco/lib/angular/1.1.5/angular.min.js:39:195
at http://localhost:51773/umbraco/lib/angular/1.1.5/angular.min.js:40:89
at new module.factory.create.controller (http://localhost:51773/kendoui/js/kendo.angular.js:203:21)
The kendo call looks like this (error on the $transclude call)
All the parameters($scope, $attrs, $element, $transclude) have values. And it does not seem to be a missing module issue since the code gets this far. I did add the kendo directives using app.requires.push('kendo.directives').
However - it seems like ng-grid works:
is working on a reply...