I've added a custom property to a doctype "BlogPost" called editorialDate. I can get it to sort on generic properties. I cant seem to get the list view to sort on custom properties. Is it possible?
Having a blast here with all the 7.20 goodies :) Jesper
I'm considering a workaround: use the createDate in listviews and manually maintain the createDate by catching the publish event and update the nodes createDate with the value from the custom property. But it seems that create date (on Document) is readonly?
What's up with that ? Isnt umbraco "the land of the free" :)
:) Jesper
ps. Reason for all this is that I want to control the blogpost date manually as neither create, update/edit nor publish date is the correct for a blogpost. Usecase: editor creates a blogpost the 1. january, waits with publishing it until the 10. january. 2 weeks later the blog post is edited an some minor spell errors are fixed. The editoral date should stay 10. january
Umbraco 7.20 - Listview sorting
Hi all,
I've added a custom property to a doctype "BlogPost" called editorialDate. I can get it to sort on generic properties. I cant seem to get the list view to sort on custom properties. Is it possible?
Having a blast here with all the 7.20 goodies :)
I'm considering a workaround: use the createDate in listviews and manually maintain the createDate by catching the publish event and update the nodes createDate with the value from the custom property. But it seems that create date (on Document) is readonly?
What's up with that ? Isnt umbraco "the land of the free" :)
ps. Reason for all this is that I want to control the blogpost date manually as neither create, update/edit nor publish date is the correct for a blogpost. Usecase: editor creates a blogpost the 1. january, waits with publishing it until the 10. january. 2 weeks later the blog post is edited an some minor spell errors are fixed. The editoral date should stay 10. january
I'm afraid you can't use custom properties, see the comments in this issue.
is working on a reply...