I am trying to reference a true false datatype called 'pickOfTheWeek' in xslt and then display referenced info (see code below). Unfortunately I cannot seem to get this to work.
Here is the snippet code I am trying to select pickOfTheWeek:
From the above code I'm a bit unsure if the context is right though...Where does the pickOfTheWeek property exist? Is it on the TheDscTeam document type or is it on a child type?
And are you certain the it's either 1 or 0 that is returned? If so try removing the single quotes that '1' is wrapped within.
Reference a true / false in XSLT
Hi guys,
I am trying to reference a true false datatype called 'pickOfTheWeek' in xslt and then display referenced info (see code below). Unfortunately I cannot seem to get this to work.
Here is the snippet code I am trying to select pickOfTheWeek:
<xsl:if test="string(./pickOfTheWeek) = '1'">
and here is the full code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE xsl:stylesheet [<!ENTITY nbsp " ">]>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
exclude-result-prefixes="msxml umbraco.library">
<xsl:output method="xml" omit-xml-declaration="yes"/>
<xsl:param name="currentPage"/>
<xsl:template match="featuredImage">
<img src="{.}" />
<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:variable name="excerptLength">
<xsl:when test="string(/macro/excerptLength) != ''">
<xsl:value-of select="/macro/excerptLength"/>
<xsl:variable name="numberOfItems">
<xsl:when test="/macro/numberOfItems != ''">
<xsl:value-of select="/macro/numberOfItems"/>
<xsl:variable name="recordsPerPage" select="1"/>
<xsl:variable name="pageNumber">
<xsl:when test="umbraco.library:RequestQueryString('page') <= 1 or string(umbraco.library:RequestQueryString('page')) = '' or string(umbraco.library:RequestQueryString('page')) = 'NaN'">1</xsl:when>
<xsl:value-of select="umbraco.library:RequestQueryString('page')"/>
<xsl:for-each select="$currentPage/TheDscTeam/* [@isDoc and (umbracoNavihide)= '1']">
<xsl:sort select="@createDate" order="descending" />
<xsl:if test="string(./pickOfTheWeek) = '1'">
<div class="column">
<div class="colcontainer">
<figure><a href="{umbraco.library:NiceUrl(@id)}"><xsl:apply-templates select="ancestor-or-self::*[normalize-space(featuredImage)][1]/featuredImage" /></a></figure>
<h4><xsl:value-of select="@nodeName"/></h4>
<xsl:when test="string($excerptLength) != '0'">
<xsl:value-of select="umbraco.library:TruncateString(umbraco.library:StripHtml(mainContent), number($excerptLength), '...')" disable-output-escaping="yes"/>
<xsl:value-of select="mainContent" disable-output-escaping="yes"/>
<a href="{umbraco.library:NiceUrl(@id)}" class="readfull">Read Full Article</a>
I know XSLT is frowned on these days but alas it is all I am familiar with at present.
Hi Brian
Nothing wrong with using XSLT :)
From the above code I'm a bit unsure if the context is right though...Where does the pickOfTheWeek property exist? Is it on the TheDscTeam document type or is it on a child type?
And are you certain the it's either 1 or 0 that is returned? If so try removing the single quotes that '1' is wrapped within.
is working on a reply...
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