What Icon package does the umbraco back office use.
I've noticed that when setting a Content types Icon, I can either specify a filename of an image in the Umbraco -> Images -> Umbraco directory, or I can set it to something like "icon-ordered-list".
I'd like to do the latter everywhere, and I see I can choose icons in this matter when editing a content type in the back office, however I am using a modified version of USiteBuilder and a code first approach to my content types.
As such I'm looking for a list of all the available icon classes.
If umbraco is using an icon package like (FontAwesome) I'd like to know which one so I can go find said list.
Or if umbraco rolled their own, is there a compiled list somewhere?
But try having a look at the fonts in the directories and see if you can extract the icons from the fonts somehow maybe or just see if you can find a definition of the lists in the fonts.
Then for the Icon value of any content type, I can set it to "fa fa-th-list" and bam, it shows up in the content tree.
As a Note though: I was able to use the minified version of font-awesome. For somereason the LazyLoad.css was just not loading the minified one, but loads the unminified one fine.
I suspect maybe LaxyLoad does it's own minification, so rejects anything with .min in the filename maybe? Which could be bad, because minifying things can break if not done specific ways. E.g. some js files are designed to be minified with a custom builder, like is popular with node.js -> npm and grunt etc, so preventing someone from using their already minified script could break their setup.
Yeah I try to stay away form packages via the repo. I only use things that have nuget equivalents, due to the fact that we deploy from visual studio, keeps things simple.
The exception being courier, which I wish had a nuget package.
What Icon package does the umbraco back office use.
I've noticed that when setting a Content types Icon, I can either specify a filename of an image in the Umbraco -> Images -> Umbraco directory, or I can set it to something like "icon-ordered-list".
I'd like to do the latter everywhere, and I see I can choose icons in this matter when editing a content type in the back office, however I am using a modified version of USiteBuilder and a code first approach to my content types.
As such I'm looking for a list of all the available icon classes.
If umbraco is using an icon package like (FontAwesome) I'd like to know which one so I can go find said list.
Or if umbraco rolled their own, is there a compiled list somewhere?
Hi Ryan
My memory told me it was helveticon but here https://github.com/umbraco/Belle/tree/master/Umbraco.Belle.Client/src/assets/fonts it seems it's both helveticon and font-awesome.
But try having a look at the fonts in the directories and see if you can extract the icons from the fonts somehow maybe or just see if you can find a definition of the lists in the fonts.
Hope this helps in some way.
It might be font awesome, but fa fa-th-list doesn't render anything, so maybe it's a really old version of font awesome.
I managed to resolve it though by adding fontawesome to my package.manifest,
App_Plugins -> XYZ -> package.manifest
Then for the Icon value of any content type, I can set it to "fa fa-th-list" and bam, it shows up in the content tree.
As a Note though: I was able to use the minified version of font-awesome. For somereason the LazyLoad.css was just not loading the minified one, but loads the unminified one fine.
I suspect maybe LaxyLoad does it's own minification, so rejects anything with .min in the filename maybe? Which could be bad, because minifying things can break if not done specific ways. E.g. some js files are designed to be minified with a custom builder, like is popular with node.js -> npm and grunt etc, so preventing someone from using their already minified script could break their setup.
Hi Ryan
Yeah, just noticed that the latest change in that part of the repro was made 2 years ago. So it might be located somewhere else.
But good you figured out another way to achieve it - actually there is a couple of font packages released and the latest is font-awesome, which can be fetched here https://our.umbraco.org/projects/backoffice-extensions/font-awesome-icon-pack-and-media-icons - It might be relevant for others who may come across this issue.
Yeah I try to stay away form packages via the repo. I only use things that have nuget equivalents, due to the fact that we deploy from visual studio, keeps things simple.
The exception being courier, which I wish had a nuget package.
is working on a reply...