@if (home.Children.Any()) { @* Get the first page in the children *@ var naviLevel = home.Children.First().Level;
@* Add in level for a CSS hook *@ <ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right">
@* For each child page under the home node *@ @foreach (var childPage in home.Children) { if (childPage.Children.Any()) { <li class="dropdown @(childPage.IsAncestorOrSelf(CurrentPage) ? "active" : null)"> @if (childPage.DocumentTypeAlias == "LandingPage") { <a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">@childPage.Name</a> <ul class="dropdown-menu"> <li>@childPages(childPage.Children)</li> </ul> } else { <a href="@childPage.Url">@childPage.Name</a> } </li> } else { <li class="@(childPage.IsAncestorOrSelf(CurrentPage) ? "active" : null)"> <a href="@childPage.Url">@childPage.Name</a> </li> } } </ul> }
@helper childPages(dynamic pages) { @* Ensure that we have a collection of pages *@ if (pages.Any()) { @* Get the first page in pages and get the level *@ var naviLevel = pages.First().Level;
@* Add in level for a CSS hook *@ foreach (var page in pages) { <a href="@page.Url">@page.Name</a> @* if the current page has any children *@ if (page.Children.Any()) { @* Call our helper to display the children *@ @childPages(page.Children) } } } }
and insert the <li> elements instead in your childPages() helper method like this:
foreach(var page in pages) { <li> <a href="@page.Url">@page.Name</a> @*if the current page has any children *@ if(page.Children.Any()) { @*Callour helper to display the children *@ @childPages(page.Children) } </li> }
And I think after this you get another issue with your code.
Change the same code to this:
foreach(var page in pages){
<li> <a href="@page.Url">@page.Name</a> @*if the current page has any children *@ if(page.Children.Any()) { <ul> @*Callour helper to display the children *@ @childPages(page.Children) </ul> } </li> }
That solved the problem and it worked with and without the last part in your solution. (The part after: "And I think after this you get another issue with your code.").
Dropdown navigation
Hi everybody
I have some problems with my code and the HTML output it generates.
I use this code:
And the HTML output looks like this:
But I need it to look like this:
Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?
// René
Hi René,
where you define childPages() ? Can you show the code of this method? I think you should look at this part.
Or is your code above the entire code of the method childPages() and you call it recursively?
Hi Sören
Below you can see the whole code:
// René
Hi René,
remove the <li></li> elements in this line:
and insert the <li> elements instead in your childPages() helper method like this:
And I think after this you get another issue with your code.
Change the same code to this:
Hope this helps?
Hi Sören
That solved the problem and it worked with and without the last part in your solution. (The part after: "And I think after this you get another issue with your code.").
Thanks I really appreciate it.
// René
is working on a reply...