Compositions and fields not showing when changing doc types - Bug?
I have two document types: SEO and BodyText. BodyText has SEO selected as a Document Type Composition, so it inherient the fields from it. However, when I try to change document types on existing content and the box asking to map fields shows up, only the field that is in BodyText shows up. None from SEO. Is this a bug or the way it's supposed to work?
Can you try and post some screendumps? It's most like a bug but I would like to see what your structure looks like. Sometimes it's just easier to grasp from an image rather than a description.
Document Structure of Type Test. Component selected is SEO.
SEO Doc Type Fields
Test Doc Type Fields
Trying to field map between exsiting content type and new test content type. Field body text, which is in test content type shows up. Fields that are supposed to be "inherited" through the SEO Data Type Compisitions aren't showing up. Need to rely on inheritence to make this work.
And yes, Jan, I did see one or two bugs related to compisions, but nothing that related to field mapping. At least as far as I could tell. seems that you perhaps have found yet another issue related to compositions perhaps. I think you should perhaps try filing an issue on the issue tracker about this.
Compositions and fields not showing when changing doc types - Bug?
I have two document types: SEO and BodyText. BodyText has SEO selected as a Document Type Composition, so it inherient the fields from it. However, when I try to change document types on existing content and the box asking to map fields shows up, only the field that is in BodyText shows up. None from SEO. Is this a bug or the way it's supposed to work?
Hi lonehorseend
Can you try and post some screendumps? It's most like a bug but I would like to see what your structure looks like. Sometimes it's just easier to grasp from an image rather than a description.
You can also have a look at the issue tracker to see if anything similar to what you're experiencing has been reported
And yes, Jan, I did see one or two bugs related to compisions, but nothing that related to field mapping. At least as far as I could tell.
Hi again seems that you perhaps have found yet another issue related to compositions perhaps. I think you should perhaps try filing an issue on the issue tracker about this.
Seems there is now an issue by someone else, going to add a link to here, so there are screenshots to reference.
is working on a reply...