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  • Danny 15 posts 136 karma points
    Mar 24, 2015 @ 00:45

    UserService.CreateWithIdentity Creates User with Dirty AllowedSections and throws InvalidCastException

    I'm trying to create a new user programmatically in Umbraco 7.2.1.

    var userService = ApplicationContext.Current.Services.UserService;
    var user = userService.GetByUsername(username);
    if (user == null)
        userService.CreateWithIdentity(username, username + "", "", "UserType");

    When I run this code with a new username, I get the following exception.

    System.InvalidCastException was caught
      Message=Object cannot be cast from DBNull to other types.
           at System.DBNull.System.IConvertible.ToInt32(IFormatProvider provider)
           at System.Convert.ChangeType(Object value, Type conversionType, IFormatProvider provider)
           at System.Convert.ChangeType(Object value, Type conversionType)
           at Umbraco.Core.Persistence.Database.PocoColumn.ChangeType(Object val)
           at Umbraco.Core.Persistence.Database.Insert(String tableName, String primaryKeyName, Boolean autoIncrement, Object poco)
           at Umbraco.Core.Persistence.Database.Insert(Object poco)
           at Umbraco.Core.Persistence.Repositories.UserRepository.PersistNewItem(IUser entity)
           at Umbraco.Core.Persistence.Repositories.RepositoryBase`2.PersistNewItem(IEntity entity)
           at Umbraco.Core.Persistence.UnitOfWork.PetaPocoUnitOfWork.Commit(Action`1 transactionCompleting)
           at Umbraco.Core.Persistence.UnitOfWork.PetaPocoUnitOfWork.Commit()
           at Umbraco.Core.Services.UserService.CreateUserWithIdentity(String username, String email, String passwordValue, IUserType userType)
           at Umbraco.Core.Services.UserService.Umbraco.Core.Services.IMembershipMemberService<Umbraco.Core.Models.Membership.IUser>.CreateWithIdentity(String username, String email, String passwordValue, String memberTypeAlias)

    I dug through the source on github, and the only Database.Insert method I can find in the PersistNewItem method is adding user2app (e.g. AddedSections) data in UserRepository: 219.

    I'm not sure why a newly created User would have any AddedSections, and where the DBNull could be coming from.


    When the UserRepository tries to save the new user2app rows, the UmbracoDatabase class is getting DBNull when it attempts to query for the id of the new user2app row.

    I found the line that's trying to convert to the DBNull to an Int in the Database:1353. I'm running SQL Server, so it looks like the command that gets the DBNull id is Database:1281. I ran it in SQL Management Studio, and it does return NULL, though I may need to run other commands before that one to get anything meaningful.

    Thanks in advance for any insight or suggestions.

  • Danny 15 posts 136 karma points
    Mar 26, 2015 @ 19:13


    I'm able to reproduce this issue on a fresh Umbraco installation if it's pointed to my old database, and my current project can create users if it's pointed to a new databes. So the problem is somewhere in my database configuration.

  • Danny 15 posts 136 karma points
    Mar 27, 2015 @ 23:22

    I fixed it!

    The id column in umbracoUser was missing the identity attribute + the constraints needed to detect that issue. I had to go through and readd those constraints and then create a new id column that had the identity attribute.

    The DB got into this state because we imported data from another environment in a dumb way, and is 100% not a problem with Umbraco. Hopefully this will help someone if they run into a similar issue.

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