I don't understand why now on my website the images showed through ImageCropper URL are no longer displayed.
The URL of the images are correct: for example this is one URL /media/23654/img_0004.jpg?center=0.52333333333333332,0.4975&mode=crop&width=200&height=160&rnd=130773029060000000;
But the images are displayed on full width and full height...
<appSettings> <!-- Umbraco web.config configuration documentation can be found here: http://our.umbraco.org/documentation/using-umbraco/config-files/#webconfig --> <add key="umbracoConfigurationStatus" value="7.2.4" /> <add key="umbracoReservedUrls" value="~/config/splashes/booting.aspx,~/install/default.aspx,~/config/splashes/noNodes.aspx,~/VSEnterpriseHelper.axd" /> <add key="umbracoReservedPaths" value="~/umbraco,~/install/" /> <add key="umbracoPath" value="~/umbraco" />
<!-- Cambiato a false il seguente valore per permettere di aggiungere la lingue negli url --> <add key="umbracoHideTopLevelNodeFromPath" value="false" />
</appSettings> <connectionStrings> <remove name="umbracoDbDSN" /> <add name="umbracoDbDSN" connectionString="Data Source=|DataDirectory|\Umbraco.sdf;Flush Interval=1;" providerName="System.Data.SqlServerCe.4.0" /> <!-- Important: If you're upgrading Umbraco, do not clear the connection string / provider name during your web.config merge. --> </connectionStrings>
<system.data> <DbProviderFactories> <remove invariant="System.Data.SqlServerCe.4.0" /> <add name="Microsoft SQL Server Compact Data Provider 4.0" invariant="System.Data.SqlServerCe.4.0" description=".NET Framework Data Provider for Microsoft SQL Server Compact" type="System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeProviderFactory, System.Data.SqlServerCe" /> <remove invariant="MySql.Data.MySqlClient" /> <add name="MySQL Data Provider" invariant="MySql.Data.MySqlClient" description=".Net Framework Data Provider for MySQL" type="MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlClientFactory, MySql.Data" /> </DbProviderFactories> </system.data>
<!-- Needed for login/membership to work on homepage (as per http://stackoverflow.com/questions/218057/httpcontext-current-session-is-null-when-routing-requests) --> <remove name="FormsAuthentication" /> <add name="FormsAuthentication" type="System.Web.Security.FormsAuthenticationModule" /> <add name="ImageProcessorModule" type="ImageProcessor.Web.HttpModules.ImageProcessingModule, ImageProcessor.Web" /> </modules>
The problem is either that ImageProcessor is not registered properly (although it appears to be fine) or that something is ignoring the querystring so it's not getting passed through to ImageProcessor...?
I think if ImageProcessor was corrupted you would see a YSOD when you make a request to /media/23654/img_0004.jpg?width=50
Well... I guess it depends on how you installed Umbraco and whether or not you are using Visual Studio.
If you used the Nuget route you can update the package through the package manager in Visual Studio. The latest is here.
If you didn't install it via Nuget you could install the package from within the Umbraco backoffice here (That's a couple of minor versions out of date but way more advanced than the default installed version that comes with Umbraco.)
To determine the currently running version navigate to your bin folder on your website and look for the ImageProcessor.Web.dll file. If you r-click on the file you should be able to read its properties and see the product version. The latest should be 4.3.2.
Full folder permissions are different to Full Trust. I would check with your service provider what the default setting is for your shared hosting. It's most likely medium. Generally you can override that value by setting the trust level in the web.config file of your site.
<!--Add the following line-->
<trust level="Full" />
Did you update the version? 3.3.1 has a bug where no image is return on 304 request.
Can you post a screenshot of the response from a Chrome network tab in the developer tools so that I can see if anything untoward is happening on request.
I explained how to update in my earlier comment here
That screenshot is pretty useless to me I'm afraid - It has no detail. I'm looking for one of an isolated image request. I need to see the content of the headers and response tabs.
There's still a few questions you haven't answered yet either.
What service provider are you using? Is it set up for full trust?
Are you running off a temporary development url provided by your hosting provider?
Jeavon asked you before if you have other working websites on this server to which you replied "yes". If your setup with your hosting provider is the same for both websites then you will need to compare the two to see what is different. There has to be something or ImageProcessor would work in both.
Also. There is no version of "ImageCrop" in fact there is no such thing. It's ImageProcessor.
I modified the web.config like you say, adding this line:
<trust level="Full" />
So I must have full trust on website.
Excuse me but yesterday I saw that the other version that I have locally is on a windows server, but on another version of it. However a few days ago I replaced the files of the site that working properly with the files in the website with ImageProcessor that not working...
I don't understand how it's possible that also replacing ALL the files, ImageProcessor does not work the same. On my local server it's works good...
Let's not argue semantics here, I'm try to help you...
Installing the package from here will upgrade ImageProcessor for you. It actually says so on the page.
You can use this package to upgrade from the Umbraco included v1.9.5 to ImageProcessor to v2.x.
It's perfectly possible for the same files to not work on two different servers. Servers are complicated with lots of different configuration possibilities available. Hosts that supply shared hosting have a nasty habit of disabling necessary functionality which is thoroughly annoying. Unfortunately it makes trying to debug your error remotely very difficult to do.
Have a go at upgrading, hopefully that will solve the problem. If not, maybe we can still figure something out.
After many conversations with the support of my hosting provider we have find the solution: we have changed, from the application pool, the pipeline type, from classic to integrated.
I hope that this discussion will also be useful to others developers in the future.
Perhaps, in my opinion, it might be helpful write on the download page of ImageProcessor that the configuration of the pipeline type of the server MUST be integrated and not classic.
Thank you for the time spent with me, Jeavon and James :)
ImageCropper not work on Umbraco 7.2.4
I don't understand why now on my website the images showed through ImageCropper URL are no longer displayed.
The URL of the images are correct: for example this is one URL /media/23654/img_0004.jpg?center=0.52333333333333332,0.4975&mode=crop&width=200&height=160&rnd=130773029060000000;
But the images are displayed on full width and full height...
Hi Bob,
Sounds like ImageProcessor is not registered correctly. Did anything change, packages installed, Umbraco upgraded etc....
Hi Jeavon and thank you for the support.
Some days ago I've modified some 2 or 3 js-config file, but I don't remember exactly in what folder...
I have other installation of Umbraco that works properly with ImageCropper.
What files can I substitute for resolve this problem?
I already tried to overwrite files from Umbraco / Views and Umbraco_Client folder
Could you please post the contents of your web.config (remove any passwords)?
Looks fine!
If you simply request /media/23654/img_0004.jpg?width=50 in the browser what size image is returned?
Is returned a full-size image
Strange, what sort of hosting (dedicated, shared, etc) are you using?
Shared hosting.
But, in your opinion, where is the problem? In some configuration of the server or in a corrupted/modified file of the ImageCropper function?
The problem is either that ImageProcessor is not registered properly (although it appears to be fine) or that something is ignoring the querystring so it's not getting passed through to ImageProcessor...?
I think if ImageProcessor was corrupted you would see a YSOD when you make a request to /media/23654/img_0004.jpg?width=50
So, what can I do?
I'm out of ideas really :(
Do you have any other sites where ImageProcessor is working on this server?
Yes. Can I overwrite some files from the other working version?
Up :(
Hi Bob,
Couple of questions...
Hi James and thank you for your answer.
How can I see the version of ImageProcessor installed? How can I update or replace it?
Yesterday I tried to set full rights to all the folder of the website, but nothing has changed...
Another question is what I can ask to do to my service provider?
Thank you for the support
Well... I guess it depends on how you installed Umbraco and whether or not you are using Visual Studio.
If you used the Nuget route you can update the package through the package manager in Visual Studio. The latest is here.
If you didn't install it via Nuget you could install the package from within the Umbraco backoffice here (That's a couple of minor versions out of date but way more advanced than the default installed version that comes with Umbraco.)
To determine the currently running version navigate to your bin folder on your website and look for the ImageProcessor.Web.dll file. If you r-click on the file you should be able to read its properties and see the product version. The latest should be 4.3.2.
Full folder permissions are different to Full Trust. I would check with your service provider what the default setting is for your shared hosting. It's most likely medium. Generally you can override that value by setting the trust level in the web.config file of your site.
Hopefully we can find a solution soon.
The version of ImageProcessor.Web.dll is the
I didn't install this version of Umbraco through Nuget. I tried to add the line you posted in web.config, but ImageProcessor don't work as the same.
Did you update the version? 3.3.1 has a bug where no image is return on 304 request.
Can you post a screenshot of the response from a Chrome network tab in the developer tools so that I can see if anything untoward is happening on request.
No, I don't update this actually. How can I update this version?
This is the screenshot:
I have the same version of ImageCrop in the local website and it's works correctly
Hi Bob,
I explained how to update in my earlier comment here
That screenshot is pretty useless to me I'm afraid - It has no detail. I'm looking for one of an isolated image request. I need to see the content of the headers and response tabs.
There's still a few questions you haven't answered yet either.
Jeavon asked you before if you have other working websites on this server to which you replied "yes". If your setup with your hosting provider is the same for both websites then you will need to compare the two to see what is different. There has to be something or ImageProcessor would work in both.
Also. There is no version of "ImageCrop" in fact there is no such thing. It's ImageProcessor.
Hi James,
I don't use Nuget, and in your earlier comment you explained how to INSTALL, not to UPDATE ImageProcessor if you don't use Nuget.
So, excuse but I don't understand how can I update Imageprocessor... I have to download the package and then replace the files in Umbraco?
Excuse me but I wanna be sure before to do this update on my website...
Here the screenshot:
This is my service provider:
I modified the web.config like you say, adding this line:
<trust level="Full" />
So I must have full trust on website.
Excuse me but yesterday I saw that the other version that I have locally is on a windows server, but on another version of it.
However a few days ago I replaced the files of the site that working properly with the files in the website with ImageProcessor that not working...
I don't understand how it's possible that also replacing ALL the files, ImageProcessor does not work the same. On my local server it's works good...
Let's not argue semantics here, I'm try to help you...
Installing the package from here will upgrade ImageProcessor for you. It actually says so on the page.
It's perfectly possible for the same files to not work on two different servers. Servers are complicated with lots of different configuration possibilities available. Hosts that supply shared hosting have a nasty habit of disabling necessary functionality which is thoroughly annoying. Unfortunately it makes trying to debug your error remotely very difficult to do.
Have a go at upgrading, hopefully that will solve the problem. If not, maybe we can still figure something out.
I have installed the version you linked of ImageProcessor, but nothing is changed...
Try deleting the cache folder in
.If that doesn't change anything then I'm afraid you will have to chat to your hosting provider as I'm out of ideas.
After many conversations with the support of my hosting provider we have find the solution:
we have changed, from the application pool, the pipeline type, from classic to integrated.
Thank you all the same for the answers :)
Do you mean from classic? I'm very happy you found the solution!
You really had exhausted myself and James of ideas (and that doesn't happy often)!!!
Ah brilliant! I'm so glad you figured it out. :)
I hope that this discussion will also be useful to others developers in the future.
Perhaps, in my opinion, it might be helpful write on the download page of ImageProcessor that the configuration of the pipeline type of the server MUST be integrated and not classic.
Thank you for the time spent with me, Jeavon and James :)
Have a nice code :D
No worries, happy to help.
To be honest with you, I'm surprised that you were set up in classic mode. There's an excellent explanation as to why here, the key sentence being:
Thank you James! ;)
is working on a reply...