Custom Grid Editor Control Add Umbraco Controls i.e. Media Picker With Text Box?
Hi we're currently building up a bunch of grid editor controls. We wanted to know if it was possible to utilise out of the box umbraco controls inside our control.
i.e. Make a control that has a media picker, a text box and our own custom repeater and roll it out as one custom grid editor control?
We're having trouble working out how we could include a media picker as part of it.
Is there some reserved markup we could use inside our angular view to append a media picker as part of the control set the angular view uses.
Custom Grid Editor Control Add Umbraco Controls i.e. Media Picker With Text Box?
Hi we're currently building up a bunch of grid editor controls. We wanted to know if it was possible to utilise out of the box umbraco controls inside our control.
i.e. Make a control that has a media picker, a text box and our own custom repeater and roll it out as one custom grid editor control?
We're having trouble working out how we could include a media picker as part of it.
Is there some reserved markup we could use inside our angular view to append a media picker as part of the control set the angular view uses.
Thanks :)
is working on a reply...