I've indavertently blitzed everything off my homepage. I don't seem to have any way of cancelling what I've done - I have a green add icon next to the homepage node in the content view which presumably means that it is prompring me to publish my changes. I definitely do not want to publish these changes!
I see there is a rollback option to take me back to a previous version but I'm not sure this is what I want - just wish there was some kind of way of cancelling unpublished changes.
How to cancel changes to content
I've indavertently blitzed everything off my homepage. I don't seem to have any way of cancelling what I've done - I have a green add icon next to the homepage node in the content view which presumably means that it is prompring me to publish my changes. I definitely do not want to publish these changes!
I see there is a rollback option to take me back to a previous version but I'm not sure this is what I want - just wish there was some kind of way of cancelling unpublished changes.
You should just be able to roll back to the version before you saved that blitzed everything. That should undo your changes I believe.
is working on a reply...