I've made some changes to the tinymce.config file so that I have the spellchecker icon now showing on my toolbar but when I click the button I get an error which simply says :
Is there other config files that I need to make changes to, to make the spellchecker work within Umbraco 7.2.5
TinyMCE spellchecker - configuration
Hi, I've made some changes to the tinymce.config file so that I have the spellchecker icon now showing on my toolbar but when I click the button I get an error which simply says :
Is there other config files that I need to make changes to, to make the spellchecker work within Umbraco 7.2.5
I believe the icon was removed from TinyMCE for a reason, as the Google API it relied on was turned off.
That's a real pain! :)
is working on a reply...